Beatitude 7

We know today that groups are hired to protest, disrupt, and create strife. They are paid to fuel conflict. I go to God’s word for understanding and wisdom.

Confusing News

News today is confusing. Prominent voices say one thing one day, and have changed the next. Facts mean opposite things to different people. We’re ask to ‘consider,’ we hear ‘maybe,’ ‘possibly,’ “Is anything SURE?’

Beatitude 6.2

Jesus calls is in Matthew 5: 8 to be pure in heart. That seems impossible to me. Yet, when God calls us, . . .

Beatitude 6.1

We live in a highly distracted world! For example, a . . .

Beatitude 5

We live in a ‘get even’ culture. If you are wronged, punch back harder. Get even. Teach that other person a lesson. Jesus’ teaching is . . .

Beatitude 4

Have you learned that you can change what you have a taste for?

Beatitude 3

Words have meaning, often the wrong one. Our culture thinks of a meek person as a weak, shy, retiring, easy to push over, person. The biblical definition is quite different.

Beatitude 2

How contrary to our current thinking are the promises of the beatitudes!

Beatitude 1

Whether you are a new Christ follower or a mature believer, reading, feeding on, learning the beatitudes are a great benefit. If you want a blessed life, here’s how to receive it.

Challenge Of The Beatitudes

"Those blessings result in persecutions." Why does Miriam Neff say this?

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