
Listening to news today is neither uplifting nor inspiring. Avoiding it is unwise also.

Our "I Will"

When God says, “I will,” there is no uncertainty. He vows to keep His word, be just, have mercy, and save us for eternity. How do we respond to Him?

God's "I Will"

Descriptions of activity today often use the words “gradually,” “cautiously,” and “probably.” Which means, outcome unsure. Thankfully our Lord God is different.

Witness Of The Sea

The sea speaks of a power frightening in its capability to churn, create waves greater than tall buildings, and currents treacherous and fast.

4th Of July

Freedom is not free. It has been earned by our military, their excellence and their blood.

Naval Academy

Visiting Naval Academy in Annapolis Maryland, I immersed myself in the in exquisite stained-glass windows of the Naval chapel.

Courage To Sign

My grandsons and I trooped around Philadelphia absorbing the history of our nation.

Independence Day

Independence is rare on this planet, and when enjoyed has been paid for with a high price. Our faith in God and His Son Jesus is our true source of freedom.

Pondering God – Lilies

God’s mind is beyond our imagination. Our technology is tiny compared to His, our creativity plain in comparison. Consider this. . .

Pondering God – Sparrows

The more complex our technical capacity today, the more I ponder intelligence, artificial and human. Talking to the air and getting answers, music, cool air, phone location? Where did this all come from, how complex can it get?

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