God Our Father Forgives 2

Millions of children are missing their dad with Father’s Day ahead. Death and divorce change the family tree to a shape usually lopsided with a gaping space where dad once was.

God Our Father Forgives 1

Most children, anticipating Father’s Day, have some regrets. What child has not experienced times of rebellion, times they tried to avoid family assignments, even said harsh words to their dad?


I’ve asked God ‘Why?’ more times than I can count. Teenager on the run, uncertain employment? I got riffed. Ruffled relationship? Husband with terminal diagnosis?

Refuge 1

Chaotic stuff in our lives often has us wishing for a place to hide, to be protected, safe from the mess around us. Leaving a courtroom, sad outcome, a doctor’s office, bad news, a relationship gone sour. The reasons are endless. We hunger for . . .

Prayer And Silence

Prayer is the privilege of Christ followers, and every human for that matter. We think of prayer as talking to God. We ask, we thank, we plead.

Prominent People 3

In our culture, putting people on pedestals is a popular exercise. We struggle not to join in. What is God's take on ranking people?

Prominent People 2

How do Christ followers view our political leaders? Do we look to them to favor and protect our Christian values?

Prominent People 1

Psalms describes God’s heart in the context of our triumphs, troubles, comforts and complaints, political chaos, social injustice and more.

Thanks For Joys

A friend recently told me his small granddaughter begins each prayer with, “Thank you, Jesus, for all the joys.”

Heart Writing

What a sobering thought. We’re carving a message on another person’s heart. And then others read it!

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