Adjusting To Changes

Whatever the reasons, we are required to adjust.

Decision Making # 2

Being faced with a new opportunity, we rightly determine whether we accept, reject, or pause. One appropriate question is . . .

Decision Making #1

I’m, once again, faced with a new opportunity. Is it an open door for expanded ministry?


Peace, quiet, no drama. But . . .

Not Nuts, Just Adjusting

My new friend and I agreed: We’re not nuts, just adjusting! “How long will this go on?”

Hard Boundaries

Allison Bottke provides and easy to remember helpful tool called ‘Sanity.’ Her 6-step acronym is found in her book, Setting Boundaries with your Adult Children.

College Students

With a new peer group, without the eyes and ears of family and old friends, they’ll test what they believe in a different environment. Will their actions stem from outer restraint?

Experts in Conflict

My friend needs wisdom. She has cancer and two specialists disagree. One recommends surgery. The other chemotherapy for the rest of her life. Who will decide?

Small Effort

I’m encouraged daily by my friend, Margaret Nyman’s blog. Her spiritual insights challenge me. She recently observed that her beach had changed. Rains had produced a new river running through it. How?

Harvest Time

How long will the harvest time last?

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