Romans 8 No Condemnation!
Romans 8
Romans 7 The Battle Within
Romans 7 discusses the struggle between our desire to obey God's law and our natural inclination to sin. It uses the analogy of a marriage to explain how believers are released from the law through Christ's death, enabling them to serve God in a new way through the Spirit.
Romans 6 Freedom From Dictatorship
Romans 6 addresses the misconception that grace encourages sin. Paul argues that believers, united with Christ in his death and resurrection, should consider themselves dead to sin but alive to God.
Romans 5 Living for Christ and Not For Adam
Romans 5 celebrates the benefits of being justified by faith, such as peace with God and hope in the glory of God. Paul explains that suffering can produce perseverance, character, and hope.
Romans 4 Advice From Father Abraham
Romans 4 uses Abraham's example to illustrate that righteousness is credited through faith, not works. Abraham believed God's promises, and it was counted to him as righteousness before he performed any religious rituals. Paul argues that the promise to Abraham extends to all who believe, not just to those who follow the Law.
Romans 3 In The Same Boat
Romans 3 declares that all people, regardless of their background, have sinned and fall short of God's glory. However, through faith in Jesus Christ, we are justified freely by God's grace. The Law of Moses exposes our sin but cannot save us; salvation is a gift received by faith.
Romans 2 Do as I say, not as I do!
Romans 2 challenges the idea of living a double standard, particularly among those who know God's laws but fail to follow them. The Apostle Paul emphasizes that God sees through hypocrisy, and it's not enough to merely know what's right; one must also do what's right.
Romans 1 Downward Slide
Our host, John Mathews, explains that when people reject God's truth, they end up in a downward spiral of sin and chaos. Paul's letter to the Romans outlines how righteousness comes through faith in Jesus, not through our deeds.
Acts 28 Arriving in Rome
In this episode, teacher John Mathews examines Paul's willingness to boldly preach the Gospel even through difficult circumstances.
Acts 27 The Last Journey
In this episode, teacher John Mathews and co-host lead us in a study of Paul's perilous sea voyage to Rome, facing a violent storm and shipwreck. Through divine intervention and Paul's leadership, all passengers survive, demonstrating God's faithfulness and control even amidst chaos and danger.
Acts 24-25-26 When Justice Fails
Have you ever felt that you were treated unfairly? This episode highlights the limitations of earthly justice and the reliability of divine purpose as Paul faces trials and accusations in front of Roman governors Felix and Festus, and King Agrippa, after being falsely accused in Jerusalem.