The Revolutionary Church - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning what it means to have Kingdom values. The dictionary describes a revolution as a radical and pervasive change in society. And there have been many revolutionaries to grace the pages of history over the years, but only one man stands heads and shoulders above the crowd. As we begin a new series today … Mark is going to be taking us to the Sermon on the Mount … with the hopes that God will start a revolution in our lives through Jesus’ powerful teaching. The fifth and seventh chapters of the book of Matthew are the longest portion of Jesus’ teaching … and it’s also the portion of Scripture that’s aimed right at our heart. The message is titled, The Revolutionary Church.

Yielding To God - Part 2

Do you want more of God’s presence in your life? Today on Bold Steps, we’re learning how to make room, by simply … Yielding to God. Today’s lesson might be a challenging one for many of us, as Pastor Mark Jobe is showing us just how important it is to submit to the will of God. Often times, without even realizing it, we begin to assume total control over every part of our lives. We do what we want to do with our finances, our time, and our relationships. But as Christians, we’re meant to be living under the authority of God … not ourselves. Join us now in James 4 to get a better grasp of this important truth.

Yielding To God - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains how submission can lead to power. Remember when you were learning how to drive? You had to take a written test and identify signs on the road. One that has thrown people off time and time again is that triangle YIELD sign. Even now, do you know exactly what it means? Today, Mark is going to help us look closer at that word in a spiritual context, to realize how important it is to submit to God.

Starting With What You Have - Part 2

Have you tapped into the incredible power … of giving? We’re discovering this counter-cultural truth with faith and finances, today on Bold Steps. In the book of 1st Kings, chapter 7, we find a fascinating story where the prophet Elijah came upon a poor widow on the verge of starvation … and counter to what you might expect, Elijah didn’t offer the woman anything to eat or drink. Instead, he was instructed by God to ask for food and drink from her. And through her faithful obedience and giving heart, God delivered a miracle. But this miracle wasn’t a one-time provision … instead, it was a blueprint for all of us to use on the power of giving.

Starting With What You Have - Part 1

Some life lessons don’t come in convenient packages … they come through trials and turbulent times. We’re learning how to grow under pressure, today on Bold Steps. We’re discovering some powerful principles to help us when we’re feeling stressed about money, and no matter where you are or where you’re wanting to go, it all starts with what you have. The message is titled … Starting with What You Have.

The Pie is Bigger Than What You Think - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’re discovering a powerful, biblical key to finding success in our finances. We’re going deeper in a powerful new series called Wise—Having Sense and Making Change. As we’ve been discovering, the Bible has a lot to say about finances … and strangely enough, as important as this subject is to each of our lives, many of us have been ignoring or simply overlooking the clear and powerful guidance God has given on how to handle our money. And in today’s message titled … The Pie is Bigger Than What You Think … Mark is opening our eyes to one of the most powerful yet overlooked methods to building financial success … and that’s the biblical principle of giving.

The Pie is Bigger Than What You Think - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how we can use our money as an asset for God’s Kingdom. We’re continuing a very important lesson about a subject that so many of us struggle with … money. For some of us, it’s an idol. For others, it can be a major source of pain and stress. Mark is helping us realize that God doesn’t expect us to figure it all out on our own. God wants to guide us and empower us through our finances to do His good work on this Earth, but we have to choose … are we going to do thing GOD’S WAY or the world’s way?

The Pie is Bigger Than What You Think - Part 1

Are you investing your time and money in the plans of the world, or the plans of God? Find out today, on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Many of us struggle with handling finances ... how to save, how to give, and how to live within our means. Mark going to give us some powerful biblical principles today that can help transform the way we see and deal with money in a message titled … The Pie is Bigger Than What You Think.

You Don’t Have a Money Problem - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps, we discover what living in abundance really looks like, and how to get there. Right now we’re in a new series called … Wise—Having Sense and Making Change. Getting it started, we’re digging into the biblical understanding of what living in abundance really takes. Many of us think if only we had a better job or some special investing secret, we could finally get our finances in order … but it turns out, there’s really just one key ingredient that we have to pursue first … and that’s wisdom. Pastor Mark Jobe has been showing us the powerful, practical effects of gaining wisdom in our lives … join us as he continues with the final segment of a message titled … You Don’t Have a Money Problem.

You Don’t Have a Money Problem - Part 1

Did you know that how you handle money actually says a lot about your spirituality? Find out today, on Bold Steps. After coming through the holidays at the start of a new year, would you say that you have a money problem? Well, many would ... and we’re going to take a unique look at the topic of finances for the next few days. A lot of Christians think money has nothing to do with spirituality or their relationship with God … wrong! Pastor Mark Jobe says We actually have a wisdom problem! And Money follows wisdom. Join us for part one of this new series, Wise – Having Sense and Making Change.

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