Being a Firewalker - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, encouragement that you are not alone in the fire. We’ve been following the life and death stand that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego took not to bow to a false god. Under tremendous pressure they experienced and even greater portion of God’s favor and we’ll hear about that today along with the 4th Man in the fire who was present with them and who is there in the middle of your trial as well.

Being a Firewalker - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, a challenge to stand firm in your spiritual convictions and faith when things get hot as we begin the last message in our Agents of Change series. It’s titled, “Being a Firewalker”. Pastor Mark Jobe heads into the Old Testament to examine 3 ordinary guys who stood up to their culture in an extraordinary way and who were remarkable examples of what it means to be “IN the world, but not OF the world” and staying strong, NOT bending to the culture.

Do You See It Yet? - Part 2

Working toward the vision of the future and how that affects your spiritual calling today... coming up on Bold Steps. We’ve been spending the last couple of days talking about vision. Specifically, a stirring of the heart toward a God-given burden and action we can take today to address it. The series is called Agents of Change and it’s our hope that after listening you’ll be encouraged to not stand still, but to make Bold Steps toward realizing the call God has placed on your heart.

Do You See It Yet? - Part 1

Today... what happens when you capture a burden that is greater than you. We’re talking about having vision today on Bold Steps. Can you see the calling God has placed on your life? We thought this would be a great time to revisit this concept here at the beginning of the new year as a kind of “re-set”. Pastor Mark Jobe says that significant things don’t happen until someone has a vision of the potential of what could be. Most of us are not living in the purpose and call that God has for us. Most are not living in full potential and have clear vision of future and our calling and gifting. Most only know the present and past, but we haven’t seen it yet. He'll talk about 4 things that need to happen in the making of a change agent and gaining that future vision.

For Such a Time as This - Part 2

Becoming an Agent of Change requires preparation and challenging faith-filled steps. More coming up on this edition of Bold Steps. Pastor Mark Jobe is continuing his message from last time, talking about how to be an agent of change, taking advantage of the fact that each of us is in a unique and one-of-a-kind position to reach and influence others for God. But how do we get to that place? Join us in the book of Esther 4 for more.

For Such a Time as This - Part 1

Calling all change agents... Today on Bold Steps, awakening to the importance of the position God has placed on you. God calls all of us to be Agents of Change. That means that God has placed us uniquely in a position that is tailor-made for our specific skill-set and influence. We'll explore a powerful example of this in the story of Esther in a message called, For Such a Time as This.

The Power of Prayer - Part 2

There’s power in persistent prayer. Today, more on how to be an Agent of Change... on Bold Steps. We’re at the beginning of a new year. What a better way to start out than to be encouraged to pray. And there is a real power that comes when hearts are united together in communication with God. Pastor Mark Jobe is describing 6 key elements to help you pray and they’re patterned after Jesus’ prayer in Matthew chapter 6.

The Power of Prayer - Part 1

Jesus taught us a very specific way to communicate with God. Today the power of prayer and fasting on Bold Steps as we begin a new series of messages, titled Agents of Change and one of the most important ways to bring about that change is by prayer. But, how do you pray effectively? Maybe you struggle with how to pray... In Mark's message today we return to the Lords’ Prayer as our example.

How to Survive in an Age of Rage - Part 2

Anger can be a powerful and dangerous emotion … and the Bible has some clear warnings on how we’re meant to handle it. Find out today on Bold Steps … with Pastor Mark Jobe! Is there something in life making you angry? Maybe it’s a relationship causing you grief, or a problem in life that you just can’t seem to let go of. Maybe you’re trying to change, but no matter what, those feelings of anger in the pit of your stomach just won’t go away? Well, if we’re being honest, most of us have something that makes us angry … even if it’s just what we hear on the news. But when anger digs in deep and gets a foothold in our heart, that’s when we’re in real danger. And that’s exactly what we’ll be talking about today as we continue a message titled … How to Survive in an Age of Rage.

How to Survive in an Age of Rage - Part 1

Most of us do our best to control our temper … but when everyone around us seems to be exploding with anger, how do we respond? That’s the subject on today’s edition of Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Most would agree that our society today seems to be getting angrier and angrier! People are constantly on edge, and we seem to have less patience with each other than ever before. Mark will be helping us set up this new year with a healthy approach, by exploring what the Bible says about living in an “age of rage”.

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