How to Make Room for Jesus - pt 2

What does God think of lukewarm people who profess to Christians? What is repentance and why should you both with it?

How to Make Room for Jesus

What does God expect from you? Is God at the center of your life? How can you make room for Jesus in every area of your life? Dr. Mark Jobe shares how in this Christmas edition of "Bold Steps".

Divine Appointment - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’ll learn how God steps in when we step out in faith. A lot of people are going through life … singularly focused … and not paying attention to what’s going on around them. And maybe that’s you at this moment! Or, perhaps you hear God speaking to you … and nudging you to pay attention to those divine moments in your life. Either way, on today’s program, we’re learning what it means to step out in faith … in order to be a part of God’s plan.

Divine Appointment - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how God is working behind the scenes … preparing us for divine appointments. Have you ever missed an appointment? Maybe with your doctor? Something with your kids’ school? Or, perhaps even a court appearance? Missing appointments is not a good feeling. There are a lot of people listening who God has called to mission, but many are missing those appointments/opportunities God has set up for them. Join us in Acts 10 for our message titled, Divine Appointments.

Roll Up Your Sleeves - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re bringing a glimpse of the Kingdom of God to you. As we move forward in our study called Roll Up Your Sleeves, we’re learning that the Kingdom has come near … and because of it, we’ve got work to do! As carriers of God’s presence, we’re supposed to go out and share His message. In this message, we'll learn more about being an Empowered Spirit-filled Witness and how we can bring the hope and joy of God to a dark and lost world.

Roll Up Your Sleeves - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … a challenge to get more workers into the field sharing the Gospel. In the book of Luke, chapter ten, Jesus has a simple, yet powerful command for those He has called into His service ... it’s, Go! This message going to challenge you to get busy doing the work that God has called you to do. Spiritual work is hard! And the harvest is bigger than the work force right now … So, we need people to step up right now (Roll Up Your Sleeves) … right where they are!

The Splash Effect - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning to live out our faith in BOLD ways. The disciples were used by God as a powerful witness to the people around them. So much so, that they were often accused of having their faith “splashed” around. So, what about you? Do others know where you stand? Does your faith in God have action? In our message called, The Splash Effect, Mark challenges us to live in a radial way so that God will change the hearts of the people around us.

The Splash Effect - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll see how God’s hold on your life affects everyone around you. Today we’re beginning a new series of messages that will shed some light on the topic of spiritual empowerment. Mark will be leading us through the book Acts, and as he often says... believers have a greater power and influence to fulfill their mission than they realize. It's like swimming in a pool. When you’re there, there’s a whole lot of splashing going on … and it’s the same way with our faith! When you’re around people, you should be splashing them with the Good News of the Gospel. The message is called, The Splash Effect.

Faith-Driven People - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll be discovering the power that comes from faithful teamwork. As we bring this series to close, our message today will focus on the story of the courageous and bold men in Luke, chapter 5 who lowered their disabled friend through a roof. What’s remarkable about this story is that they helped their friend because they believed that if he could just be in the presence of Jesus, that would take care of everything. Well learn that for faith-driven people, that is indeed where life changing power is found!

Faith-Driven People - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning what it means to be faith-driven followers of Jesus Christ. Everyone on the planet has something that drives their life. It might be money … pleasure … power … even despair. But whatever is in the driver’s seat of your life also determines where you are … and where you’ll go. Mark, is going to be talking about what it means to be a person driven by faith … not fear in a message called, Faith-Driven People.

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