You Can Win the Battle - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to not get swept away in the battles. Today begins the final message of this series … When You Believe, Everything Changes. There are lots of people who are not tuned in to the spiritual realms and more than ever it’s evident by what we are seeing in our culture. As believers, we need to armor-up because there is a war going on in the spiritual realm. How can you have spiritual victory? Listen to part one of this message based in the book of Ephesians chapter 6 and it's called, You Can Win the Battle.

The Power of Role-Parenting - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe gives us some practical parenting tips as we move forward in our study of the book of Ephesians. He is going to be taking us to chapter 6 in order to help us glean some practical parenting tips from the text … as we try to not exasperate our children. Today’s message is part of our series titled, When You Believe, Everything Changes. The message is called, The Power of Role-Parenting.

The Power of Role-Parenting - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning how to raise up the next generation. Last time, we started learning about authority and how parents have the power to bless their children. And today, as we move forward, Mark is going to be explaining how our willingness to train up the next generation shapes the future and their destiny. Our series is titled, When You Believe, Everything Changes … and if you have your Bible handy … turn with us to Ephesians, Chapter 6. Mark titled, this message The Power of Role-Parenting .

The Power of Role-Parenting - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning to obey authority. Happy Thanksgiving! We’ve been working our way through the book of Ephesians in our series called When You Believe, Everything Changes … and today we reach chapter 6. We’re going to look at what the bible says about this and hopefully, we’ll encourage you to see that God gives us clear instruction on how and when we should obey authority … and how we should honor our parents. The message is titled, The Power of Role-Parenting.

Staying Filled in the Spirit - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning how to stay filled in the Spirit. Not many of us would consider taking a long road trip without there being gas in the tank, so why do we sometimes live our lives without getting spiritually recharged? That’s the question Mark will address today. This message is part of our series, When You Believe, Everything Changes and as we start with how we can stay filled with the Spirit, join us in Ephesians 5.

Staying Filled in the Spirit - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to stay spiritually charged. Spiritually. We have to continually plug into the Holy Spirit or we’ll run out of that charge. Staying filled with the Spirit can be difficult and that’s why we have to continually refresh ourselves each day. We get so busy living our lives that we don’t take time to slow down, we’re going to lose power. And our ultimate power and strength comes from the Lord through His Spirit. Today’s message from our series, When You Believe, Everything Changes.

Choosing to Walk in the Light - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to live in contrast to the dark world around us. The moon has no light source of its own, yet it shines bright in the evening skies because it reflects the sun’s light. And that’s how we should be living as believers, too … reflecting the Son (S-O-N’s) light and love onto the world around us. As we conclude our message titled, Choosing to Walk in the Light, we’ll be turning back to the book of Ephesians … chapter 5 to pick up where we left off. Mark has reminded us that we need to watch our words and guard our relationships, and in today’s message, he’ll show us how to live in contrast to the dark world around us.

Choosing to Walk in the Light - Part 2

We’re learning more about Choosing to Walk in the Light … today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. As we move forward in our study from the book of Ephesians, we’re going to be turning to chapter 5 to pick up on our message titled, Choosing to Walk in the Light. Last time, Mark emphasized how our desires in our relationships and how we speak to one another should reflect our new identity and calling in Christ. And today, Pastor Mark will give us a recap before addressing his second point. Join us for the conclusion of this message from our series, When You Believe, Everything Changes.

Choosing to Walk in the Light - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … learn how you can reflect the identity of your heavenly Father for all to see. We’re going to be turning to the book of Ephesians, chapter 5 for help with the answer. And it starts by imitating God as His dearly loved children. We are children of God, so we should live like it! The message is titled, Choosing to Walk in the Light.

Putting on the New You - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll learn how to face the issues that are holding us back. Nobody likes to be around a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. But why do we have such a hard time shaking our old man off? Our current series is called, When You Believe, Everything Changes, and Mark is going to show us why we can’t keep living in the past and holding on to our old lives if we’ve become a new man in Christ. Today’s message … from the book of Ephesians chapter 4 is titled, Putting on the New You.

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