Tearing Down Walls - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe shows us what happens when the walls of division come down … As we move forward in our brand-new series, When You Believe … Everything Changes, we’ll continue our lesson from Ephesians, chapter 2. Mark will give us three points to consider about who you are … and what happens when the walls of division come down around us.

Tearing Down Walls - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to tear down the walls that separate us from God. Have you ever felt like an outsider? Maybe you've moved to a new neighborhood, or have a new job... maybe a new school? You feel like you're on one side of a wall and everyone else is on the other. One of the most obvious walls is the one between mankind and God. But, when that comes down first, it actually leads to the tearing down to many other walls. God is a wall-breaker!

Made Alive - Part 3

From being spiritually dead … to being Made Alive in Christ … that’s the topic today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Question: Is it religion that changes you and makes you a better person or is something … or someone else? That’s the topic Mark’s going to be exploring in the concluding part of this message. It's about a transformation that only God can do through His grace and kindness. Turn in your bible to Ephesians 2 for this life-changing and encouraging word.

Made Alive - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning what it means to be Made Alive through God’s transforming power. As we continue our series on the book of Ephesians, Mark is going to be diving into the topic of what it means to be Made Alive through God’s transforming power. He’s going to explain three characteristics of those who are spiritually dead. The message comes from our When You Believe … Everything Changes series.

Made Alive - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning how to be alive in the spirit. Ephesians 2 talks a lot about being spiritually alive, but that is not something we can do in our own power. There are a lot of dead men walking. The Bible speaks about being dead spiritually even though alive physically. There has to become a moment where we make that change, going from death to life. If you can, grab your bible and join us in Ephesians chapter 2 as we learn more about being made alive in Christ.

What You Know Will Change You - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe helps us understand God’s transformative power. People are often in search of three things … riches, power … and hope. And today as we move forward in our brand-new series, When You Believe … Everything Changes … Mark is going to show us how we can find those three things … and so much more! We’re in the book of Ephesians … chapter one, and our message is titled, What You Know Will Change You.

What You Know Will Change You - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains what it means to be a true and authentic follower of Jesus. We’re in an exciting series of messages that’s designed to show us what happens in the life of someone who truly and authentically believes in Jesus. Many Christians have no idea of the riches they have in Christ and we'll learn all about it in today’s message from our series, When You Believe, Everything Changes.

Take Your Place - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning what it means to be chosen. This week we began a new series called, When You Believe … Everything Changes … and we’ve been learning about what it means to Take Your Place in the Kingdom of God. Yesterday, we learned what it means to be blessed … as we continue, Mark’s going to show us how and why we’ve been chosen and redeemed. So, if you have your Bible handy, turn to Ephesians 1 for this encouraging study!

Take Your Place - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning how to be victorious in our walk with Christ. Going against the crowd or the cultural norms of any given society can be difficult to do … but it’s nothing new. And as we’ll see, it’s something that even the apostles had to deal with and work through! Our message is called Take Your Place. And so, if you have your Bible handy, flip to the book of Ephesians because Mark’s going to be showing us that … When You Believe … Everything Changes.

Take Your Place - Part 1

Discover how to Take Your Place … today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. We’re starting a new series based on the book of Ephesians where we'll learn that if God gets a hold of someone, they don't stay the same. You cannot come to Christ and continue with all of the old stuff! Our example takes us to a place, a city that is not unlike our culture right now. A practical and challenging study from messages called, When you Believe, Everything Changes.

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