How to Hold onto Your Joy on the Hard Days

Learning how to hold onto joy … even on the hard days. Listen to Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Some things in life are hard to hold onto. Youth … it’s fleeting. Money … it goes fast. Friends … move and change with the seasons. And then what about your sunglasses or your waistline? Is there anything that doesn’t fade? On this program we'll be looking at four specific ways to bring about joy in your life, beginning with Celebration. We're in the book of Philippians chapter 4 and we encourage you to grab your bible and join us there!

Hurt - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning to choose grace … and release bitterness. If you’ve ever spent any time gardening, you know just how troublesome weeds can be. At first, there seem to be just a few here and there, small enough to be ignored. And suddenly, the next thing you know, they’ve spread all over … invading every space and choking out the life of your garden. Well, just like weeds, the wounds and pains from our past can end up spreading into places they shouldn’t, if we don’t take care of them right away. On today’s program, Mark concludes a message he started last week that focuses our attention on what to do when we experience hurt and pain. It’s simply titled, Hurt, and we’ll be learning that if we don’t confront our hurts and disappointments, they can quickly overtake our lives … and become deep roots of bitterness.

Hurt - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll learn what the Bible says about dealing with feelings of hurt and pain. Most of us have heard the motivational phrase … Life is 10% of what happens to you … and 90% of how you respond to it. Mark says that when it comes to dealing with the hurt and pain of our lives, that’s absolutely true, don’t you think?We all have a choice … to let the frustrations and pain of other people’s decisions discourage and disable us. Or we can take those hurts and turn them into something that make us stronger.

Discouragement - Part 2

Discover how to adjust your focus and break free of discouragement … today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Over the past week, we’ve been in our current series called, Facing Your Feelings, and we’ve been looking at how different types of emotions affect us. Mark has given us biblical pointers on diffusing anger … and tools to help us dissuade feelings of discouragement. And we’ve even learned how to filter criticisms and identify weak spots in our lives. If you have your Bible handy, turn to the book of Nehemiah to uncover how he was able to stand in the face of opposition … and how we can, too!

Discouragement - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning how to face discouragement. As we move forward in our study on Facing Your Feelings, we’re going to be taking a look at an emotion that most of us have had to deal with at one time or another. It’s called, Discouragement … Mark says that anyone who is doing something worthwhile will encounter opposition and criticism. And that’s even true in ministry. Join us in the book of Nehemiah as we learn what to do when we face opposition and Discouragement.

Anger - Part 2

We changed up the beginning of the program a little today. And maybe you recognized that tune from the early 80’s. But if you didn’t … it’s Randy Stonehill’s Shut De Do (Keep Out the Devil). In today’s message, we’re going to be discussing that exact point … because when we open the door just a little, we’re giving the enemy the opportunity to bring all kinds of trouble into our lives. When we let anger fester, it keeps the poison in our flowing and we want to keep the poison out!

Anger - Part 1

Learning to tame a powerful emotion in a healthy way … today on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe. As we continue our study of feelings and emotions, we’ll be looking at a powerful, yet paradoxical emotion … anger. Is it considered a strength? Or a weakness? Well, it might surprise you to learn while anger seems like it’s the most powerful and the strongest emotion we can have … it’s actually a secondary emotion ... fueled by fear or sadness. And Mark, you say that it’s okay to get angry about certain things … but we can’t let it rage out of control. Today we'll how to handle Anger in a godly way.

Fighting Fear - Part 2

Learn how to turn your fears and failures … into faith building opportunities … today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Has fear sidelined you? Or stolen your joy? Maybe you’ve even been looking for a way to overcome your fears … and grow in your faith. As we move forward in our series called, Facing Your Fears, we’ll be learning how to be a source of encouragement for those who are struggling with anxiety disorders. As we learned yesterday, God is the great fear disrupter … and He alone has the ability to make the impossible … possible. And in today’s message, we’ll discover how to shift our focus from fear … to faith. It’s a message Mark Jobe calls, Fighting Fear.

Fighting Fear - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe will teach us how to overcome fear with faith …One of the most debilitating and wide-spread issues in our society … is anxiety. Each year, millions of people are diagnosed with disorders related to this illness. But what does the Bible say about anxiety? That's what Mark will be talking about today. And, as we start this new series, we’re gonna be exploring our feelings … starting with a hot topic: fear. It comes from Mark’s timely series called, Facing Your Feelings.

What It Means to Restore Our God-Given ID - Part 2

If we want to live a more godly life, Pastor Mark Jobe says it doesn’t just take a renewal of our spirit … but also a renewal of our mind. So often in Christian circles we discuss the importance of what it means to be spiritually "reborn" … and to reposition our hearts with God. But a big part of this transformation that sometimes gets overlooked, is the need to renew our minds. That’s the subject Mark is unpacking in today’s Bold Steps message titled … What it Means to Restore Our God-Given ID.

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