What It Means to Restore Our God-Given ID - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, we’re learning how to get beyond our narrow, earthly perspective … to see the world through God’s perspective. As believers in Christ, our struggle on Earth is between two extremes, or rather, two natures. In the Bible, Paul refers to these natures as the “old and new man”. Pastor Mark Jobe is going to expand on this concept and help us learn how to start living with a “heavenly perspective” in a message originally preached at New Life Community Church (Chicago) in October of 2022 … and it’s called … What it Means to Restore Our God-Given ID.

Real Transformation - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe helps us to better understand our true identity … in God. We’ve reached the final part of a keystone message about our true nature, and the identity we’ve been given by God. No one has the ability to change themselves. While we can take steps toward "self-improvement", ultimately real transformation only happens with God's help and we find our true identity in Him. Join us for this final discussion based in 2 Peter chapter 1 and possibly learn what your next big step will be.

Real Transformation - Part 2

Are you leaning into the God-given power already inside you? Or searching for strength somewhere else? That’s the topic today on Bold Steps … Today, we’re continuing a lesson about the power and promises we’ve been given by God … and it’s sad but true that so many Christians today are trying to solve their problems by changing what’s around them … rather than tapping into what’s already inside of them. Some Christians are wasting their time trying every ‘self-help’ trick in the book but … real change is only found in the presence and power of God.

Real Transformation - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe helps us tap into the spiritual strength that every Christian has been given, but perhaps been overlooking. In today’s self-help culture, we’re hooked on the idea of self-betterment and doing all we can to improve ourselves. And that may be fine and good, but you’re going to remind us that, spiritually, if we are believers and have the Holy Spirit, then we already have God’s DIVINE POWER inside of us to start living for God RIGHT NOW. It’s a matter of accessing this power that you ALREADY HAVE in Christ to start to live for Him. We’re going to talk about what this POWER is and then get into the PROMISES that come with it.

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