Believing Enough to Change - Part 2

There’s an unseen battle going on all around us and we’ll learn about it … today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe.Jesus tells us that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy … but He came to give us life more abundantly! As we move forward in our study called Jesus Up Close, we’ll look at the powerful way that He dealt with the demon-possessed boy in Mark, Chapter 9. Mark’s going to help us understand how to effectively deal with oppression from the dark-side of the spiritual realm … in order to bring about transformation and recovery. Mark titled this message … Believing Enough to Change.

Believing Enough to Change - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’ll see how to keep the faith, especially when the enemy’s lurking around. One of the more compelling encounters Jesus had can be found in the book John, Chapter 9 and it’s a story that will probably resonate with most parents. A desperate father struggles to find help for his young son who’s caught in the grip of something that’s robbing him of his destiny and his future. Mark says this story is about “robbery” … with the enemy coming to steal what’s rightfully ours. The message is titled the message Believing Enough to Change.

Its Not Too Late! Part 2

Professional mourners? What's that about?

Its Not Too Late! Part 1

Do you feel things are beyond God's ability to do anything?

No More Excuses - Part 2

No going back! You have a new destination!

No More Excuses - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe challenges us to stop making excuses … and start moving forward. There are a lot of people who know about Jesus. But they’re looking at Him from a distance. They see him with His head low as He hung on a cross. Or they picture Him as a meek shepherd, or a carpenter alongside Joseph. But, how often do you picture Him standing right in front of you? How many times do you think to look up and see Him present in your life right now? Mark will remind us that we all still have the ability to see Him and experience Him up close and in a personal way. Our scripture starting point will be in John 5 in a message called, No More Excuses.

Our Private Pain - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … how encountering Jesus always changes us. As we move forward in our brand-new study called, Jesus Up Close, we’ll be looking at the story of a woman who experienced incredible private pain … but whose life was changed after an encountered with Jesus. This message is called, Our Private Pain.

Jesus Reaches Into Your Pain

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll be getting up close and personal with Jesus. We’re beginning a new series called, Jesus Up Close. One of the best ways to see what someone is like is to watch how they interact with others. And Jesus is no exception. He had some very powerful encounters with people of all walks of life … and there’s a lot we can learn from Him. We'll be taking a look at the story of a woman who gets up close to Jesus and her private pain. How did Jesus react? Join us in Mark 5.

You Can Win the Battle - Part 3

Putting on the full amor of God so we can stand against the enemy’s tricks and temptations … that’s today’s topic on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe. As we move forward in our series, When You Believe, Everything Changes, we’re going to be looking at how we can win the spiritual battles we all face and the battle gear necessary to defend, fight and win.

You Can Win the Battle - Part 2

Taking a stand against the tricks and temptations of the enemy … that’s our topic today on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe. Yesterday he started a message titled, You Can Win the Battle, and today as we move forward in our study from the book of Ephesians, we’re going to learn more about the enemy and the equipment we need to win the battle. We’re in chapter 6, verse 10 in the series … When You Believe, Everything Changes.

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