The Keys to Lasting Change - Part 3

We all want to see improvement in our lives … but what does it take to create lasting change? Find out today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe as we conclude a series called Breaking the Grip of a Bad Habit ... with a powerful message about The Keys to Lasting Change. Truth is, we all set goals for ourselves. Whether it’s to do with fitness, finances, or faith, we all want to be moving forward in life … and not slipping backwards. But if you’ve ever tried to sticking to a diet or prayer routine, you probably know that sometimes good change is hard to keep up. Thankfully, the Bible has a lot to say about creating lasting change.

The Keys to Lasting Change - Part 2

Looking to make lasting change in your life? Pastor Mark Jobe has some biblical guidance for us, today on Bold Steps. We’re continuing to study the balance that needs to happen between our body, spirit, and soul. This really is a great time to start taking a practical approach to that balance … as many of us are trying to get the new year started right in our message, The Keys to Lasting Change.

The Keys to Lasting Change - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to make positive changes that will last a lifetime. We’re continuing our study on Breaking the Grip of a Bad Habit … and getting unstuck spiritually. In our message, Mark is going to walk us through the keys to making change that actually lasts. So many of us have been set free in Christ, but for some reason we keep falling back into the old ways … and we become stuck. Join us for this powerful message and discover … The Keys to Lasting Change.

The Power of Choice - Part 2

In most areas of life, freedom is a choice. But it’s also a process … and today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe is guiding us through the process that leads to freedom from bad habits. As we near the end of the first week of the new year, I’m wondering how many of us have already fallen behind in our New Year’s resolutions. It’s sad, funny, and true that new habits are hard to form … while old habits are hard to break. And that’s especially true of bad habits. Those familiar patterns of sin and unhealthy habits sometimes have a way of sticking around a lot longer than we wished … despite our best efforts to change. And that’s why today’s Bold Steps message is so important. Mark is giving us the biblical keys to break free from those bad habits, and start taking steps into the freedom that Christ provides.

The Power of Choice - Part 1

Are there any bad habits in your life? Are you tired of feeling stuck in a rut? Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe teaches us how to begin the process of real change. There are many listening today who simply feel stuck in life. And Mark is going to help us see that sometimes the root cause of why we can’t get our life in motion … are the bad habits we’ve built. We’re going to explore a powerful example of a man found in John 5.

The Power in the Pause - Part 2

What does it take to hear the voice of God? Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe reveals the answer. It seems like every year there are more and more voices competing for our attention. Politicians and journalist keep reminding us of all there is to worry about in Washington. Hollywood and big brand marketing teams do everything they can to keep our eyes fixed on a screen. And if we’re not careful, it doesn’t take long before all these jabbering voices begin to drown out the one voice we actually need to hear … and that’s the voice of God. So today, right here at the start of a new year, Mark is helping us prioritize the process of hearing the voice of God. We’re in a message titled The Power in the Pause.

The Power in the Pause - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe kicks-off the new year with a lesson on how to hear the voice of God. We’re stepping into the new year with a practical lesson on how to better hear the voice of God. Mark is going to show us that the most efficient way to start hearing God’s voice … is to simply take a pause. Turn in your Bible to 1 Kings 19 for this timely message, and prepare ourselves to start hearing the voice of God with a lesson titled … The Power in the Pause.

Getting a Good Start

Do you want to grow as a Christian? Do you know what God wants to change in you? How will you learn the answer to that question?

Pressing into the Presence of God

How well do you know God? How can you get to know God in a deeper way? Dr. Mark Jobe shares how in this edition of "Bold Steps".

Breaking through Your Ceiling

Do you want to take your faith to the next level? How can you do that? Dr. Mark Jobe provides the answer in this edition of "Bold Steps".

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