Making God a Priority - Part 1

Living in neutral, your spiritual life WILL decline. Today on Bold Steps ... making God a priority. Today Pastor Mark Jobe continues our study of Nehemiah and our Rebuild series and we’ve reached chapter 10 as we will learn more about how to make God a priority, specifically in 3 key areas ... According to Nehemiah, the physical need of the people had been restored, but the spiritual need still needed a lot of work. So, he encouraged them to focus on some areas to pay attention to. Listen carefully and we’ll ID those 3 areas.

How to Prepare for a Season of Change – Part 2

In a season of spiritual change, God asks that we remove the old and sinful. But something needs to take its place. Today is part 2 of the Bold Steps message, How to Prepare for a Season of Change. Pastor Mark Jobe will be looking at both the motivation for change as well as the need to have a plan for change. Join us in this helpful study based in Nehemiah chapter 9.

How to Prepare for a Season of Change – Part 1

Change is inevitable, but spiritual growth is intentional. Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe guides us through preparing for seasons of change. Learn how to embrace the Holy Spirit's transformative power in your life. Uncover the secrets to lasting, heart-level change that God often initiates by disrupting our routines. Begin your journey towards meaningful spiritual transformation.

Experiencing Grassroots Renewal – Part 2

Is your hunger for God consistent, or does it waver with circumstances? Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe challenges us to cultivate a lasting desire for God's presence. Continuing our series in Nehemiah, we'll explore how our spiritual appetite should mirror our physical need for food … and discover the key to maintaining spiritual fervor beyond desperate times.

Experiencing Grassroots Renewal – Part 1

True rebuilding goes beyond physical structures—it's about spiritual renewal. Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe delves into Nehemiah chapter 8, where 40,000 people hungered for God's presence. Uncover the secret to complete restoration as we examine Jerusalem's rebuilding. Learn why aligning hearts with God is crucial in any renewal process.

Securing the Borders of Your Life – Part 2

In our digital age, guarding our spiritual life has never been more crucial. Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe continues his message on Securing the Borders of Your Life. Are you attentive to your weak areas? Explore practical ways to establish spiritual safeguards for yourself and your family … and take BOLD STEPS towards spiritual growth and protection.

Securing the Borders of Your Life – Part 1

What comes first in rebuilding … structure or soul? Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe explores Nehemiah's insight that spiritual priorities precede physical construction. Discover how to apply these timeless principles to your family, marriage, and personal life. Don't miss this foundational message, where we’ll learn to center our heart, mind, and actions on God's calling.

Keeping Focused in the Midst of Distraction – Part 2

How do you stay committed to God's calling when distractions abound? Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe concludes his teaching on maintaining focus amidst life's diversions. Drawing from Nehemiah's example, we'll glean practical, "boots on the ground" wisdom for staying on mission. Discover how to navigate obstacles and remain steadfast in your spiritual journey.

Keeping Focused in the Midst of Distraction – Part 1

Distractions can easily derail our spiritual growth. Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe addresses a critical aspect of spiritual rebuilding: maintaining focus. As we continue our study on Nehemiah, we'll see how he handled diversions while rebuilding Jerusalem. Uncover practical strategies for staying on track with God's plan for your life.

The Battle Insdie the Wall - Part 2

Ready to revolutionize your approach to money? Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe challenges us to embrace biblical stewardship. We'll dive into Nehemiah chapter 5, where questionable financial practices led to a bold call for reform. Explore how living as God's steward can transform your financial outlook. Don't miss this eye-opening message.

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