Restoring the Wayward Heart – Part 1

Have you allowed the zeal and presence of God to be torn down? Today, Pastor Mark Jobe speaks to the great need for renewal and rebuilding of your spiritual life. It’s one of our goals to help people renew and restore their relationships back to God. It’s where the name of our program comes from—BOLD STEPS—making those big choices to do what is necessary to re-connect with God and get back on track with Him… which is why we’re excited about the new series that starts today: RENEWAL: Your Life, Your City, Your World. Pastor Mark Jobe will be teaching from the books of Ezra and Nehemiah with some practical lessons on the topic of following the Holy Spirit’s call toward restoration.

Breaking Down Temptation – Part 2

Today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe equips us with the tools and tips we need to overcome temptation. So many Christians today struggle with feelings of guilt and condemnation over their brokenness and sinful desires. But as we’ll learn today, the key to overcoming those struggles doesn't lie in simply recognizing our sinfulness. Instead, the transformative power comes from realizing the beauty and grace of our awesome God. Stay tuned as Mark urges us to fully experience God's love and redemptive spirit, with part two of a message titled, Breaking Down Temptation.

Breaking Down Temptation – Part 1

Temptation is no small matter in the life of a believer. And today on BOLD STEPS, Pastor Mark Jobe is helping us learn how to realize, resist, and overcome temptation. He says that understanding the mechanics of temptation can help us overcome it. This is day two of a short study in James recorded in a Moody Bible Institute President’s Chapel ... and it’s a powerfully relevant lesson all about temptation.

What To Expect– Part 2

The journey of faith comes with some twists, turns, and challenges. And we’re learning how to persevere with preparation … today on BOLD STEPS. Life can be hard. Honestly, that’s a bit of an understatement. Sometimes life can seem out of control. Our journey can lead us places we didn’t expect to be … and it might feel unfair … or maybe even unbearable at times. But today, Pastor Mark Jobe is helping equip us with solid, biblical preparation for whatever this life may throw at us … in a message he originally preached to the students at the Moody Bible Institute. It’s titled What to Expect.

What To Expect– Part 1

Today on BOLD STEPS … Pastor Mark Jobe has a rallying message on What to Expect … in the journey of our faith. We’re stepping into the chapel of Moody Bible Institute for a lesson Mark shared to the students, preparing them for the spiritual journey ahead. Join us in James chapter 1 for the first point and how to hold onto your joy.

The Gifts of the Spirit – Part 2

Today on BOLD STEPS, we’re learning more about the principles and purpose of The Gifts of the Spirit. So many Christians have differing ideas about what, why, and how these spiritual gifts are meant to be interpreted and used … and so today, Mark helps us find the biblical answers by turning to 1 Corinthians chapter 12. We’ll unpack how God has uniquely gifted each believer to build up the body of Christ and gain insights into the diverse gifts listed by Paul, from wisdom and faith to healing and prophecy.

The Gifts of the Spirit – Part 1

Ever wondered what a spiritual gift really means? We’re unpacking that today, on BOLD STEPS with Mark Jobe. Despite all our differences as Christians … we are united as the church of the living God, filled with His Spirit. But sometimes that unity is disrupted … and often times, it has more to do with miscommunication than misalignment. Our lesson today is titled The Gifts of the Spirit.

The Way Back Home - Part 2

On BOLD STEPS with Mark Jobe … we’re discovering The Way Back Home. We’re going to be talking about the story of the Prodigal Son, and if you’ve ever been the parent of a wayward teen … or maybe you’ve been a little wayward yourself, this message is for you.

The Way Back Home - Part 1

On BOLD STEPS with Mark Jobe … we’re learning about the time God ran. One of the best-known parables that Jesus told was of the Prodigal Son. It’s a powerful message on how to come back to God if we’ve allowed ourselves to stray from Him. So, if you’ve been feeling distant from God ... be sure to listen.

It's Not Too Late - Part 2

Have you ever prayed and prayed for change … only to feel thwarted at every turn? Well,you’re not alone, and Wednesday/today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe continues a message titled, It’s Not Too Late. It’s an encouraging lesson about belief, faith, and deliverance …revealing how pain is part of the healing process.

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