It's Not Too Late - Part 1

We've all felt the pressure to beat the clock, and most of us know that horrible feeling of thinking your too late. Today on Bold Steps, Mark Jobe has a message that's guaranteed to build some faith, and give you hope. No matter how far behind you may feel in life, God has the power to change everything. So listen to today edition of "Bold Steps".

Failure Doesn’t Have to be Final – Part 2

Today on BOLD STEPS Mark Jobe reminds us about God’s offer of grace and forgiveness. He’s at the start of a series called Second Chances, and we’re going to jump right into the story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery. We all carry sin with us and need the forgiveness of God. Thankfully, Jesus offers a way. Learn the steps to take in this powerful story of redemption, … on BOLD STEPS

Failure Doesn’t Have to be Final – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re discovering that God is a God of second chances. Have you ever failed at something, but were given a second chance? Maybe you failed a test? Struggle with addictions and sobriety? Whatever you’re going through … just because you’ve had a setback, doesn’t mean you’ve failed … or you’ve lost. Failure doesn’t have to be final … and that’s what we’re going to talk about today in our message. Mark have titled this message, Failure Doesn’t Have to be Final.

Principles of Spiritual Renewal – Part 3

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe explains why we should always be striving towards renewal. Today as we move forward in our series … Just Do Something, we’re continuing our discussion on renewal … and we’re going to be discovering that inner renewal without outer changes will break down quickly.

Principles of Spiritual Renewal – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how renewal starts. We’re returning to the Gospel of Mark, chapter 2, to continue our exploration of the Principles of Spiritual Renewal. This message comes from our series called Just Do Something. We’ll be focusing on how renewal in our life is only sustained by change in our lifestyle and the example of new wine into old wineskins.

Principles of Spiritual Renewal – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how renewal starts. We’re returning to the Gospel of Mark, chapter 2, to continue our exploration of the Principles of Spiritual Renewal. This message comes from our series called Just Do Something. We’ll be focusing on how renewal in our life is only sustained by change in our lifestyle and the example of new wine into old wineskins.

Just Own it! - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’re discovering the first step in becoming spiritually whole. As we continue our study today from the Gospel of Mark, we’re going to be looking at the healing that comes from learning to confess our sins … not only to God, but to one another. If you’ve missed any of the messages in this series so far, you can catch up online at … Bold Steps dot org. But now, let’s join Pastor Mark Jobe with a message he’s titled, Just Own It.

Just Own it! - Part 1

When does true healing start? What can be learned from the story of the man with the shriveled hand? Listen to Dr. Mark Jobe teaches on this in today's edition of "Bold Steps".

Just Stay Strong! - Part 3

What is the best way to overcome temptation? In today's edition of "Bold Steps, Dr. Mark Jobe continues his sermon on staying strong.

Just Stay Strong! - Part 2

How well does it work to serve God in your own strength? Did you know God prepares you for His service? Listen to Dr. Mark Jobe share them in this episode of "Bold Steps".

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