The Paradox of Ministry Part 2

You might be thinking what is the paradox in ministry? Good question, earlier J Mark used the example of Jesus to illustrate a paradox. When He was here there was a group of people who loved Him and dedicated their lives to Him. However, there was also a group of people who determined to kill Him. He was so loved and so hated. This paradox has been repeated many times since then towards the followers of Jesus.

The Paradox of Ministry Part 1

What do you think about the statement, " The only constant in life is change?" Is that true? Has that been your experience? This statement is a paradox. A paradox is a statement that seems contradictory or opposed to common sense and is often true. In the example I mentioned, we have the words constant and change. We see those words as the opposite, yet we must admit the statement is true.

The Ministry of Reconciliation

Thank you for listening to Hope for Today, we are honored to be here and so glad you chose to join us for today’s lesson. Our lesson today from the end of II Corinthians 5 is one of my favorite sections of the Bible. There is so much packed in here and I hope you will take extra time to meditate on the deep truths in these verses.

The Constraint of Love

Hello and welcome to today’s program. We are honored to be here and thankful that you are there. For an introduction, think about this question: What makes Christianity different from any other religion? There are many correct answers to this question, so I am not going to act like there is only one, but when I think about it, the first thing that comes to mind is love. Love is foundational and shows everywhere—at least, it's supposed to.

Looking for a New Home

We are ready for II Corinthians 5, and our title is “Looking for a New Home.” Obviously, this is not referring to your actual house but your heavenly home. This listener recognized that God knows our future and that we must surrender our lives to Him. Surrendering your life to Christ is how we prepare for our new home, our heavenly home. This thought leads us right into today’s lesson.

Dying to Live

Today’s title is “Dying to Live,” taken from II Corinthians 4. Dying to live—think about that. This is a paradox. A paradox is a statement that seems impossible or difficult to understand because it contains opposites. Before we look into this paradox, I’d like to think about a few others from Jesus’ teaching.

Jars of Clay

Thank you for listening to Hope for Today. We are honored to be here and so glad you chose to join us for today’s lesson from II Corinthians 4. The title is “Jars of Clay," and J Mark is here to share this teaching with us.

The Light of the Gospel, Part 1

As we continue our study of Second Corinthians, we come to the opening verses of chapter four. I’ve titled our study, “The Light of the Gospel.” Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote things that will help us better understand various aspects of the Gospel. So, let me read the text, Second Corinthians 4:1 to 6.

The Glory That Excels

If you and I had lived under the Old Covenant, we would be amazed at the revelation of God in Jesus. Imagine living under the Law. It spelled out acceptable behavior, but it gave you no internal power to obey. Every year on the Day of Atonement you were reminded of your sin AND the fact that you could never keep the law well enough to be accepted by God.

Living Letters

Letter writing is a dying art in our digital age. If you’ve ever received a handwritten letter, you know how special it makes you feel. There’s a personal investment in a handwritten letter that’s missing in electronic forms of communication.

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