Moses As God’s Man

Today our title is “Moses as God's Man,” and our passage is the next section of Exodus 34. Before we get into today’s lesson think about that title. “Moses as God’s Man” there was a big job to do, and God used Moses to accomplish it. What about today, is God still using people for specific jobs? Does God need us to accomplish certain tasks?  

The Obedient Heart

We have been in Exodus just over a year and now we are coming to the end of Exodus. Personally, the interactions between God and Moses are some of my favorite passages in Exodus and today’s lesson is another incredible dialogue between God and Moses. 

The Cry of The Soul

We are nearing the end of Exodus and now we are looking at a time when Moses was with God on Mt Sinai. This story is amazing and there is much we can learn from Moses’ interaction with God. Our lesson title is “The Cry of the Soul.” This is pointing to the God-shaped hole in each of us. Since God created us, all people have a desire to connect with Him. This desire is seen in every age, every gender, and in every culture. It is the cry of every soul and today we are going to think about this together.  

Walking With God

Today in Exodus 33 we will take a closer look at Moses conversation with God. Our title is “Walking with God.” Last week it was “Meeting with God.” I like the progression of the titles. First, we have to meet God, then we walk with Him. Our relationship with God is just that, a relationship, think of someone you have a relationship with. You didn’t meet them once and never hear from them again. If that happens, we don’t say we know them, we say we met them. Meeting God is just the start of a wonderful relationship after that we must walk with Him.

Meeting With God

Thank you so much for joining us this week on Hope for Today. Today our lesson is from Exodus 33 and the title is “Meeting with God.” Put yourself in the Israelites shows, how do you think it felt for them to meet this God? There are not many people who have seen and heard what the Israelites did at Mt Sinai now they could actually meet with this awesome God.

God And His Sinful People

Today’s lesson is “God and His Sinful People” and we thank you so much for joining us. As much as we don’t like it there is something familiar to us in the children of Israel. We can see a bit of our own stubbornness and foolishness. Sinful though we be, God still allows us to be His people. This is incredible, don’t ever take it for granted.

Improper Worship

As humans, we all desire to worship. Who or what do we worship? How do you worship? Do you worship God in spirit and in truth, full reality? What happens when we turn aside after other things?

The Tent to Meet God

In the New Testament, God’s presence is so direct that His Holy Spirit dwells within each believer. 1 Corinthians 3:16. This continues the work of Christ, whose own body was called “this temple” in John 2:19-21. But in Sinai, God was establishing the first meeting place, a special tent.

Becoming God’s People

Moses had a special calling, a special responsibility above that of Israel’s other leaders. Those leaders had a God-ordained calling above that of the people. The Israelites had a calling and responsibility that other nations did not have. See how God initiates this covenant.

Becoming God’s People

Moses had a special calling, a special responsibility above that of Israel’s other leaders. Those leaders had a God-ordained calling above that of the people. The Israelites had a calling and responsibility that other nations did not have. See how God initiates this covenant.

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