My360 Helper

Essentials for Christian Living

This course provides lessons on a broad range of essential Christian topics. This will be of special interest to new believers and will equip them to submit to the authority of Jesus Christ in all things, grow in Christlikeness and obedience, increase in their knowledge of God and His Word, serve others in love, and to multiply the Church through evangelism and discipleship.

Essentials For Spiritual Leadership

Essentials for Spiritual Leadership provides lessons specifically related to leadership from a Christian perspective, and the arenas of life in which one can exercise spiritual leadership. The intended audience for Essentials for Spiritual Leadership are Christians who have a foundational understanding of the Christian faith and practice and who have begun to lead others in the faith. Spiritual leadership takes place in home, at the workplace, in small groups and discipleship relationships and in formal positions within the church such as teacher, pastor, elder or deacon.

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