Should a professor speak his mind in class? What limits should he have?
How did God "connect" with humans, to guide them what to write in the Bible?
What makes you so smart? Just some dumb chemistry?
Living your life "for best results."
A Nobel scientist's evaluation of evolution.
Can science prove that you love the person you're kissing?
Is Noah's ark a fable, or fact?
Is there a "mega-mind" who might be God?
Does your conscience ever bother you? Where did it come from?
Does evolution make atheism credible? Ask Darwin's close friend.
Just because a climate doesn’t kill life, does that mean it's capable of creating life?
Your nose does a lot more than merely smell!
Hazards and humor of flying to the moon.
One possible explanation of what heavenly bodies God may have used, as the "star" that led the Wise Men to Jesus.
Which truths are trivial? And which truths can transform our entire understanding of reality?