2 Corinthians 3:11-18
God’s Old Testament Law was good for the season, but the “new covenant” is so much more glorious. The Spirit makes it permanent in our hearts. As we abide in Christ, walking in the power of God’s Spirit, He transforms us into the image of our blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 2:14-3:14
The Christian life is like a Roman victory parade—those in the front (following Jesus) are set free, and those in the rear (rejecting Jesus) follow to their death. God’s heart for the human family is for everyone to be saved and come to the knowledge of God. God takes no pleasure in anyone’s death—but it is our choice. But someday, every knee will bow to Jesus.
2 Corinthians 1:10-2:13
Did you know that Jesus is the overseer of your soul? Comforting, isn’t it? In this letter, Paul clarifies that elders in the church ought to be examples of godliness, not “lords over your faith.” Even when correcting a brother in the wrong, Paul said to do so with meekness and love, considering how all of us are inclined to sin.
2 Corinthians 1:4-20
If you ever wonder if the hard times you’ve been through could be used by God for good, listen in on Paul’s encouragement of the Corinthians. God is with us. He comforts us in our trials, both for our sake and so we can comfort others. Our pain is not without purpose. We can live our lives in wisdom and conscience because God is with us and helps us.
2 Corinthians 1:1-3
When a church gets in trouble, it’s always because it’s not believing and applying God’s Word. Such was the case in first century Corinth. But when the apostle Paul helped them see where they needed to act in faith, they responded. The Bible is our ultimate authority. Paul wrote them back to express God’s mercy and comfort even as they endured persecution.
Nehemiah 10:1-13:31
With hearts right with God, the Israelites made a covenant with God to do three things: Not to intermarry with non-Jews, to observe the Sabbath and holy days, and to follow the ordinances of first fruits and sacrifices. The people celebrated their new, safe city and relationship with God. Nehemiah then returned to Persia. However, when he returned later, he found the people had broken all three of their promises to God.
Nehemiah 9:1-38
What does revival look like? What does it mean for your spiritual life to be woken up? The Israelites heard Ezra read the Word of God, and many recognized the ways they fell short of God’s glory. Individually, they turned to God. Collectively, they praised Him. Revival spread through the new city of Jerusalem.
Nehemiah 8:1-18
With the city gates secured and people doing their appointed jobs, Nehemiah turned their attention to Ezra, the scribe, and Ezra turned their hearts back to the Word of God. After 70 years of captivity, many people had never heard the Word of God. Now the Word of God did its work, leading people to conviction of sin, repentance, and joy in fellowship with God. They celebrated the feasts again, to remember how God had rescued and taken care of them in the past.
Nehemiah 7:1-73
Now that the walls are complete, Nehemiah appoints safeguards to protect the city—beginning with doors on the gates. Inside, watchmen were set up to guard the gates. And lastly, people were appointed to worship God and Levites were given a place to serve. The list of new and surprising VIPs is long. God sees and remembers the faithful ones and records their names in a book.
Nehemiah 6:1-19
“Between a rock and a hard place,” that’s where Nehemiah finds himself in chapter six. After 52 days, Jerusalem’s walls are rebuilt but the drama continues. Nehemiah’s enemies circulate lies and stories about his intentions. When his reputation, even his life, are on the line, Nehemiah turns again to God in prayer.