The Everlasting Love Of God
Jeremiah 31:3
To The Ends Of The Earth
The Gospel of God was given by Christ so that it should be taken to the ends of the earth, for in it is the power of God unto salvation for all men. In other words, the message of God to men so that they can be saved from sin in order to know God, and live eternally by His life, is a message for all who are on the earth. It is the church's responsibility to proclaim to every nation the glorious message of Redemption.
The Restoring Of The Soul
What does it mean to have one's soul restored? First, it means that God works in the heart to lift up the soul from being downtrodden, defeated, and certainly weakened by the world and the things of the world. It means also, a reviving, when the Spirit of God comes to strengthen, apply the precious blood of Christ to cleanse from sin, and then give light to the heart. Restoring of the soul means in essence a return to true fellowship with Christ, knowing His blessed life and strength.
The Purpose Of God's Anointing
The anointing of God, which every believer receives when he or she is born of the Spirit, is given to enable the believer to glorify God by the doing of His will, and the accomplishing of His purposes. God's anointing by the Spirit is His holy enabling to meet every need of the believer so that he or she can be a conqueror by faith.
The Hope Set Before Us
What is the hope set before mankind, specifically every believer in Christ? It is Christ Himself, in His glory, love and goodness. He is the great Expectation of the believer for all things necessary to honor and glorify God and bless men. In Him is the fulness of God, who has provided all things so that man can give forth by the Spirit that which is good.
The Essence Of One's Calling
The calling by God of and individual believer is a holy calling, from heaven. It is not of men, nor by men. It is given by the Spirit of God, communicated to men, and then confirmed by God's working and blessing in the life.
Persevering Faith
True faith is characterized by being an overcoming faith. Why? It is because true faith, according to the will of God, brings into action the working of the Spirit of God in any and every circumstance. Faith is that which pleases God for He is perfectly trustworthy according to His word.
The Singular Eternal Foundation
It is one thing to live on this earth, and trust in our own natural judgement with regard to how we should live. It is quite another to trust God, and take the Lord Jesus Christ as our solid foundation, the true and living foundation. For those who stake their all upon Him, there is a certain assurance, and realization of Christ working in and through the life. Eternity will reveal the riches in Christ by such a life lived by faith in Christ.
The Practicality Of Christianity
Christianity is straight forward, clear, concise, convincing, and this because of Christ who is the Truth. He has given to us the Spirit of truth to guide, provide all for us according to Christ's riches in glory, so that we can be assured of His presence and power. Our responsibility is to first worship Christ, looking to Him and to Him alone for the answer to every need. He is Light, and the One who certainly lightens our path.
The Gateway To Faith
God has provided a way to faith. It is the "way of His word," both that which is written concerning His absolute truth, but also, the "Way" of His person, for Christ IS the way. The certainty of this way of faith resides in the holy and eternal person of Christ, Creator and Redeemer.
The Certainty Of Our Calling
The calling of God is also the commitment of God. He calls an individual to Him first to be saved from sin, Satan, and the world, in order to know Christ. This is the beginning of discovering the reason for the calling, and the gifts He gives so that His calling can be accomplished. God, by His calling, commits Himself in His faithfulness to provide for every need, according to His riches in glory in Christ.