The Great Privilege
Song of Solomon 2:10
A Table Set Before Me
One of the early and great lessons that David learned as a shepherd, was that God, as His Shepherd, would provide for him, even to the point of providing daily food. Not only this, but that He would provide even when, and in spite of, the spiritual opposition which would oppose David. Sometimes this would be evident by physical enemies opposing him, but regardless, God always provided for His anointed, and He will do so for the believer who trusts in Him.
The Working Of God In The Heart
It is a marvelous, wondrous thing to know the working of God in the heart. It is also a very solemn thing, for the worth and magnitude of it from an eternal standpoint is unparalleled with the things of earth. God the Almighty, works in the individual heart to will, and to do of His good pleasure, in order to reveal His glory in the life. He will do this in the heart of "whosoever will" trust and obey Him.
The Word, Prayer, And Revival
When does God intervene in the life of that one who truly, and earnestly seeks Him? It is when the specific word of God to his heart is believed and embraced. The result of such an act of laying hold on God according to his word, somewhat like Jacob when he wrestled with the angel of the Lord, is when believing prayer is made, knowing and counting upon the faithfulness of God to answer, to move, to stir up and strengthen. As John the Apostle put it, we KNOW that we have that for which we have asked God for when we KNOW that He has heard us God gives the assurance by His Spirit, having prayed according to His will.
The Command To Go Forward
There are moments in one's walk with the Lord that the issue is no longer seeking to find out what the will of God is, but to implement it now. Such was the moment when Israel, with Pharaoh at her back, and the Red Sea blocking her advance, that the Lord told Moses to tell the people: "Go forward." The call was one of wholly trusting Him by obeying Him, even when sight and sense dictated the contrary. Israel saw a great deliverance that day because they obeyed God rather than leaning unto their own understanding.
Keys To Faith
What are those specific provisions which God has given every believer that by them he is enabled to believe God and trust Him fully. First is certainly the truth of God in Christ. The second is the blood of Christ, which cleanses from all sin. The third is the Spirit of God who gives the power to believe, and the fourth is thanksgiving and praise. Faith's strength in great measure is determined by these unalterable keys.
Heaven's Greatest Priority
That which is first and foremost in heaven is the worship of God the Father, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, all by the Holy Spirit. There is in the worship of the Father upon His throne, and the Son at His right hand, the revelation also of the Holy Spirit in His divine work of enabling creation, and the redeemed of all ages, to bow down before God, giving to Him the glory that is due His name. It is by the Spirit of God that all of creation is empowered to bow down and worship the only true and living God, the triune God, who is forever the same, and worthy of all praise and glory.
By My Spirit
It was Theodore Monod who wrote: "All in Christ, By the Holy Spirit, For the glory of God, All else is nothing." In this statement we find where all "spiritual blessing in heavenly places is Christ. But that which is IN Christ becomes real to, in, and through the believer by the Holy Spirit. All becomes possible in the will of God to the believer walking by the Spirit, who is giving Christ access to every need. Christ by the Spirit then works through the heart of the believer to glorify the Father by the accomplishment of His will and purpose.
Without Love Nothing
How can one know the love of God? How then can one manifest, or give this love of Christ to other, that they also may know Him? It is only the Spirit of God takes the absolute truth as it is in Christ, and reveals the life of Christ according to it, that this love is revealed. Without this love filling the believer, it is like dry bones in a dry valley, which then are covered with flesh, sinews, and skin, but in which is NO life. Only by the Spirit of Christ, at liberty to work in and through the life of the believe can such love be known, and communicated to others.
The Vision Of God Key To Faith
How does our vision of God compare with the reality of who He truly is? The accuracy and greatness of the vision will determine to a great extent the strength of faith and love. God reveals Himself in the Scriptures by the Spirit so that faith can rise up and not only call Him blessed, but trust in Him fully for the fulfillment of His will and purpose.
The Race Against Time
Time is a creation of God, and opportunity which has a beginning and ending, but with eternal ramifications. Man is born "for such a time as this." That time is given to him to trust God wholly to direct him, lead, and provide for him, in every manner so that he can glorify God, fulfilling His will and purpose.