The Certainty Of Our Calling
1 Thessalonians 5:24
The Blessedness Of Thanksgiving
To be thankful is to be rightly related to God, for God is the Wondrous Giver of every good and perfect gift. The thankful man is the one who realizes his need of Christ and is willing to receive all from Him by faith. The one who is a good receiver is also one of much thanksgiving.
A Secret Of Stability
Stability comes when one sees and knows Christ who is the Eternal Rock, unchanging and unwavering in His love and power. To look only and wholly unto Him is to be in that blessed position of faith, that attitude of receiving His power to stand and overcome. He gives strength to the weary, and hope to the hopeless.
The Surrendered Sword
It has been said that, coming to Christ means that grace alone can reach the lost soul, and love alone can win it. Why? By the overtures of the Spirit of God, God draws the soul after Christ. But will the sinful soul render up its sword, that defense mechanism of resistance to God? The unveiling of the love of God is that great power of bring the soul to lay down the sword, to receive forgiveness and life.
The Preeminence Of Christ
Jesus Christ is revealed to us in Scripture as not only the Beginning and the Ending, and "All in all," but preeminent, being first and foremost in every way. God the Father has made Him to be the One who will inherit all things, for He IS exalted, and honored in His exalted place of worship as the Lamb of God, but also as the Lord of Lords.
The Importance Of Joshua's Book
Why is the book of Joshua so very important that it should be included in the Bible? It is there to encourage the believer to realize something of the spiritual warfare he is in, but also, to inspire and reveal God's way of overcoming the spiritual enemy that we have. The man Joshua is an example, not only of courage and strength, but of simple and profound devotion to God.
Out Of Desolation And Destruction
The Eternal God is a God of life, of hope, of blessing, ...a God of new beginnings. Indeed, the revelation of the love of God in Christ is proof of such a reality. The Lord is the only One who can truly turn mourning into joy, and disaster into blessing. How does He do this? He gives first a knowledge of Himself according to the truth, then the faith to believe Him to do it. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
Essentials To Fellowship With God
God is a God of clarity and straightforwardness concerning knowing Him. For the one who will seek Him, God will guide him to find the truth. The true knowledge of God is always according to the truth, and that truth is in two places, Christ by the Spirit of God, and in the Scriptures. It is the truth that sets us free, but it is the Christ who gives the power to know, and realize the freedom.
Apprehending Christ
It is one thing to know about Christ; it is quite another to "apprehend," or lay hold upon Him by faith, knowing His leading, His provision, and Keeping. The Apostle Paul declares that Christ is Life, and to know Him is to live. One lives by faith that surrenders to Him as Lord, and trusts Him as Savior and Shepherd.
When God's Time Comes
What is so important about God's time to accomplish something, specifically with regard to mankind, and His church? It is important because at that particular time, He brings to bear His power and authority which no man, nor created being can thwart. God will be glorified by what He does, when He declares that He will do it. Today is a day of salvation.
To Follow Christ
What does it mean to follow Christ but to surrender to Him as King and Lord, trusting in Him alone to save and sanctify. It means a new found loyalty, by the grace of God, to love and serve Him, forsaking all lesser loyalties. It means a preference of devotion, holding Him as the great object of worship, and object of faith. To follow Christ is to trust Him whole-heartedly, and this, by His grace.