Without Love Nothing
1 Corinthians 13:2
The Vision Of God Key To Faith
How does our vision of God compare with the reality of who He truly is? The accuracy and greatness of the vision will determine to a great extent the strength of faith and love. God reveals Himself in the Scriptures by the Spirit so that faith can rise up and not only call Him blessed, but trust in Him fully for the fulfillment of His will and purpose.
The Race Against Time
Time is a creation of God, and opportunity which has a beginning and ending, but with eternal ramifications. Man is born "for such a time as this." That time is given to him to trust God wholly to direct him, lead, and provide for him, in every manner so that he can glorify God, fulfilling His will and purpose.
The God Of Things To Come
One of the ways that God reveals Himself to men is by His spoken word, but a word spoken in the present with the fulfillment of that word some time afterwards, either soon or in the distant future. That which is consistent, and a bulwark for faith, is the fact that He always fulfills His words, His promises. He is unfailing to show men that He is perfectly trustworthy, because He is sovereign and all-powerful.
The Centrality Of Communion With Christ
Ultimately, communion with Christ is man's greatest calling, for out of that communion with Him, Christ by His Spirit works in and through the believer to accomplish His will. Union with Christ, oneness with Him, has been established as a completed work in the believer's life. Fellowship with Christ has not become possible, and certain, to the one who would truly know God.
Recommissioned By God
God's calling and gifts are not something to be treated lightly, or thought to be in value as faithless man would see them. God has an eternal purpose in His calling and provision for the realization of that calling. Therefore, there are times in His patience and long-suffering with us, because of our slowness to respond to Him, or in some measure and for some reason, are tuned aside temporarily from that calling, that He comes again, and calls a second time. God's purpose is the salvation of men, and He will pursue His will in the believer for the accomplishment of His purpose and will.
True Understanding
Where does the true understanding of God come from? How can one know the truth, the eternal truth, of God in order to truly know Him. The first essential is the exposure to, and grasp of the objective truth of the Scriptures, specifically the truths of the Gospel. Secondly, is the working of God, the revealing of the truth and its meaning to the heart, its application, and grace given to truly trust Christ alone, and wholly for salvation. Christ is known by truth for He IS truth. The Spirit of truth is given that Christ should become the greatest reality of the believer's life and existence.
The Certainty Of God's Calling
Is it possible to know one's calling by God? What is a calling of God, but the revelation to the soul of God's hand and purpose upon the life, having equipped the believer with true and irrevocable spiritual gifts for its fulfillment. The calling of God, confirmed by the witness of the Spirit of God, is foremost that blessing that every believer is given, communion or fellowship with Christ. Secondly, it is unveiling of God's purpose and provision in the life for God's will and work to be accomplished through the believer.
The Battle For The Vision Of God
Essential to true faith is a true vision, or perception, of God which only comes by a knowledge of the Scriptures, and the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ. The Spirit of God not only has "breathed" the words of God in their objective form in truth, so that men might know the truth of God, but He is that One who communicates the power of Christ's life by taking that eternal truth and make it living to the believer. Faith is then given by God to trust Christ, knowing the reality of His indwelling in the heart.
Christ Our Constant Keeper
It was the Apostle Paul who wrote: "For I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to KEEP that which I have committed unto Him against that day." (2 Tim. 1:12) Paul's commitment to Christ of all that he was in Christ, for time and eternity, was based on Christ's power and authority to keep, guard, and preserve against all that would seek to dislodge him from Christ. His Keeper would be powerfully and perfectly faithful to honor his trust for eternity.
Christ In The Heart
What is the Christian life but Christ Himself dwelling in, and working through the life of the believer. The more one knows of God's ways, and abides by them in obedient faith, the more the believer is brought into conformity with Christ. Christ in the heart of the believer, and the God-given faith, and ability, to appropriate Him for every need, is God's way of answering the call of the heart, the prayer of the soul, for the Spirit of Christ to work in and through the life. Christ is Christianity.