The Power Of God
One thing that distinguishes God from man is His power. This is why when Jesus began His ministry, after his baptism and the temptation in the wilderness, He came with in the power of the Spirit. All through His ministry, and accomplished work on Calvary, the power of God was quietly, and sometimes very openly, revealed. God is power. Christ is our power by the Spirit, every day.
The Life Changing Contrast
It is in the contrast of things that we often begin to grasp the deep meaning and purposes of God. The Bible is filled with contrasts, life and death, light and darkness, good and evil. But when it comes to Christ dying on Calvary, and the knowledge that He did so for me, that is a contrast to the so called love and goodness of man that grips the soul. That is love, true and ever lasting love from which the believer will never be separated.
Staying In Your Tank In Christ
The work of Christ for the believer envelopes him. It is as the waters of baptism which surround the body, or the oil of the anointing which covers the entirety of the person. Not only that, but Christ's work, by virtue of His presence in the heart, is the place of safety, the refuge of the soul, for nothing can separate him from the love of God. Raised with Christ, the believer is IN Him, to live in Him, by Him, for Him, for His glory.
It Is Finished
The great and fundamental work of Christ on Christ possesses a finality to it which gives to sinful man, hope. It is expressed in the words of Christ: "It is finished." Christ's completed, perfect, and unalterable work has become the very foundation of believing God for salvation. The man who trust is this unalterable foundation, the living Christ, is the one who knows God, and sins forgiven.
Going On To Know The Lord
One of the wonderful things about knowing God is that there is certainly a beginning, but there is no end. It just may be that when Satan fell, he did so because he thought that he knew God fully. Satan seemed to be counting on just the righteousness and justice of God. He did not grasp the mercy and grace of God, and most certainly he will never grasp it. For that he fell and can never be redeemed. And it is for this reason that sinful man can be redeemed, and saved, for he discovers the love, grace, and mercy of God.
The Unalterable Law Of God's Glory
There are certain things that we might question or hesitate to believe. But there is one thing concerning God that we must believer, for it is absolutely true. God will not give His glory to another person, or if there is an issue of idols. God's glory belongs to Him, not to the sinner. However, God glorifies the sinner, manifesting His glory in the salvation of the sinner, for which the saved believer is to give God all the glory.
The Soldier's Morale
What are the elements that contribute to a good morale of a soldier? They are most certainly the promises of God, specific in nature, and very applicable to the life. It is as the soldier believes these truths, that God works to strengthen the soul in the face of difficulty and opposition.
The Gift Of God To Pharaoh
God can give what He desires to whomever He chooses. To Pharaoh, in the story of Joseph, God gave him a dream and an interpretation. That revelation would save an entire nation, and the people of Israel, from death by reason of a famine. Praise God that He goes beyond what we can ask or think to seek and save that which is lost.
The Fundamental Of Faith
In life there are those things which are right and good, but maybe not so very important as to have a major influence upon life, and eternity. But when it comes to knowing God, there is one great assential. It is faith, true faith in the true and only living God. This faith is a gift, and is only accepted before God when it is base upon the truth of who God is. There is great assurance before God when one comes in this fundamental faith, a faith knowing that God IS, and that He is the Rewarder of those who truly seek Him.
Praying Through To Assurance
Prayer is not easy. In fact it is quite impossible without the Spirit of God leading and enabling, as there is so much that must be right in the heart and mind, if one is to come to God in an acceptable manner, in faith, believing and receiving. Is it too hard? No. The fact that true, persevering prayer is the will of God is reason enough for us to know that God will meet us, and enable us to pray in a manner that is pleasing to Him.