Proverbs Puzzles

God says ALL Scripture is useful, II Timothy 3:16, but I puzzle over Proverbs 30.

Martha Cares

Martha was a doer, the hospitality, make it happen sister, when Jesus visited their family. Mary sat and listened to Jesus. Martha confronted Jesus, “Don’t you care?”

Cold Love

Do you like what you see in our judicial system, our government, our public schools?


Some things don’t change. Like temptation.

God Comforts

I love looking back through my old Bibles and reading the notes I’ve scribbled. Isaiah 51: 12--14 was highlighted in Romania as I sat with Lidi and Jeremiah Russu.

Human Beings

In this season of my spiritual journey, I’m focusing on Being rather than Doing. Most of us can get so caught up in expected activity that our actions define our identity.


Daily we all select what we will wear. Some of us grab repeatedly our old favorites and others from packed wardrobes. Will it be right for the occasion? for this day’s activities and demands? make me look better?

The Significance Of Your Past

Never devalue the lessons learned from your past. They don’t define you, but they certainly inform you.

Does God Still Speak?

I recently read a professor’s words. “You can talk to God whenever you want. You just can’t expect an answer.” I beg to differ!

Days In History

What old news matters to you? How does God see the news of today?

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