World Hot Spots

As another hot spot on our planet lights up today, many of us feel helpless. Continents apart, with no power over the aggressors, we wait helplessly. And then we read Scripture.


Do you desire to pray and have no clarity on how to express what’s on your heart?

Does Easter Matter?

With Easter, we celebrate Jesus’ triumph over death. Coming to life after His brutal crucifixion on the cross. Does it make a difference?

Wisdom From Tozier

We do well to listen to Spiritual leaders who have gone before us. They were imperfect, we don’t idolize them. Yet . . .

Wisdom From Abigail

Abigail’s story is unusual.

Lesson from Naomi and Ruth

Naomi and Ruth embarked on a dangerous hike. Their story is in the Book of Ruth.

Tension In Serving

Do you feel a tension between what you want to accomplish, feel you should be achieving, and your reality today?

Deborah’s Song

The prophetess Deborah judged her people fairly. She also spoke God’s instructions boldly.

Macca Pichu Lessons 2

Debates regarding creation are somewhat helpful. I find observing evidence more convincing.

Macca Pichu Lessons 1

When the going gets tough, what keeps you going?

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