Harvest Time

How long will the harvest time last?

New Things

I love the familiar. Ordinary life mornings, spiritual refreshment, coffee, and journal. Doing things I know how to do. Knowing what comes next. But


May I challenge each of you to pray for every child in school?

A Year to Get Over It

My young friend’s husband who was dying of ALS was told by her counselor that she would have a year to get over it and a year to get on with it. Eee! Gads! Wearing both my professional counselor hat and widow hat, that’s wrong.

Truth and Empathy

How many times has God gently corrected me, given me another chance, loved me with a tenderness I did not deserve?

Roaring Lion

I gained up close understanding in the Serengeti watching a lion holding a zebra in a death grip until the poor animal shuddered its last breath. Why that zebra?

Cheryl’s Courage

Cheryl McGuinness is a hero! How so?

Stewardship of Influence

Scripture is full of advice on stewardship. All we have is God’s, His gift to us. All we are is His creation to mold and use as He sees best.

Good Read for Leaders

Leaders are in the limelight. Willingly or not! Many don’t desire it. King Saul did not, given his humble beginnings.

Feeling Good

‘I feel good. ‘ Upbeat songs and friendly responses to questions remind us that we all prefer to ‘feel good.‘ I’ve been studying King Saul in I Samuel. He liked feeling good too. But . . .

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