Selling to Widows and Orphans

Do you question whether today’s widows need protection as they did in Old Testament and New Testament days?

God is Writing Your Story

Broken relationships within families are common and often hidden.

God’s Writing His/Her Story

"So many look put together on the outside, but are in chaos on the inside." Who is Miriam Neff speaking about?

Just One Person

How did one person make a huge difference in a young person's life?

Resilience # 5

Is parenting ever over? Enter resilience. We all need it. In fact, it’s a must have for believers. What steadies our shaking soul?

Resilience # 4

As Christ followers, our lives can be chaotic, even fractured. Life requires that we be resilient, able to persist and get through to better things ahead. Research shows that resilient people possess . . .

Resilience # 3

Are you facing a challenge ahead?

Resilience # 2

What makes it possible for Christians to go through terrible stuff and yet be resilient? Do you believe that mess in your life will define you? Keep you from being a growing Christ follower?


Resilience. Not a word found in Scripture. Yet resilience is vital in all of our lives. It’s simply . . .

If Then

Geometry was a fun subject for a few of us. I loved ‘if then’ questions. If this happens then that will happen. If this is true, then that should be. Logic in action. Facts that lead to resolutions.

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