Home Equity Loans

It’s not unusual for vintage folks to need money from the equity in their home as they age in place.

Reverse Mortgage

Those reverse mortgage adds aimed at vintage folks look appealing. Spend the equity in your home and live in it enjoying that nest.

Reverse Mortgage VS HE Loans

A growing trend is for us vintage folks to age in place.

Larry Burkett

Biblical principles in working and earning, then spending and honoring God in all, have never changed.

Just Start

At a recent Wise Women Managing Money conference, Valerie and I were asked, “Where do I begin?” A young woman eager to learn needed a first step.

Return On Investment

A common acronym in the financial world is ROI, Return On Investment. Consider applying this to . . .

The Value Of College

Beware the danger of hanging on to facts of the past regarding . . .

Bobs Favorite Verse

"He’s has been in Heaven many years now and that verse speaks loudly about money." Which verse?

Financial Fears - Debt

We’ve stated before that peoples top three financial fears are . . .

Financial Fears - Retirement

One financial fear of many is not having enough for retirement. Let’s look at specific biblical references.

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