Financial Fears – Top 5

Research reveals people’s 5 greatest financial fears.

Financial Benefit For Disciples

When financial realities in our life are shaking, whatever the reason, we have options. We can wring our hands and worry. We can compare with others to see if all is fair. Or we can look at Scripture for examples.

Troubled Times

Troubled times are here again in our nation. What impact does this have on us as Christ followers?

Famine 3

"This provides motivation for us to look at policies that restrict production. Why?"

Famine 2

I marvel at the relevant wisdom of Scripture for today. The Old Testament admonition to look well after your flocks, fields, and oxen is relevant. In two words: . . .

Famine 1

There is no challenge we might face that Scripture does not offer wisdom.

Finances Shaking

When financial markets are quaking and inflation is growing, how do we remain calm?


She insisted that her wealth be kept secret until after her death. How did she do it?

Harvest For Others

What about that family who is struggling more than we are?


What do you look at first every morning? The weather for that day? A glimpse at your portfolio on your smart phone? A click on the political news or opinion of the day?

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