
Do wills and trusts have spiritual significance?

Hasty Money

It’s tempting to dream of what life would be like if you suddenly had lots of money. People buy lottery tickets and gamble due to those dreams. God has a better way.

Attention To Your Work

Work requires effort, attention to what your producing, and what can be gained from your efforts.

Loaning Money

Your surplus to loan is God’s blessing to steward carefully. Investigate the person asking. What is their record with previous loans?

False Balance

God not only cares that you work. He cares HOW you work!

Slack Hand

Connect these two words: Work, Money. Proverbs is full of advice to work and what will happen if we don’t.

The Wisdom Wealth Connection

Proverbs 8: 10 & 11 emphasize the wisdom wealth connection.


The writer of Proverbs 6 would have liked the word lazybones. The word says it. Inactivity!

Waste Filled Relationships

Proverbs 5 talks about wrong relationships and the result.


Where and when should we give? Needs around us are endless. We can’t give to all, and what we have to give may be small.

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