Savings Strategy

We know that saving money can be challenging, easy to postpone. Here’s a tip to help: . . .

Reluctant Saver

Are you a reluctant saver and investor? Here’s some encouraging news.

Two Truths

The early bird gets the worm, and the turtle wins over the hare. Application: Beginning savings in early years, even when the amounts are low has . . .

Firing Your Advisor

Why would 70% of widows fire their advisors after their spouse dies?

Men And Women 2

It’s no surprise that men and women are different. Research is revealing some things that surprised me. Women save more than men for retirement. Men have more . . .

Widow Penalty

Did you know that a common penalty for widows is higher premiums for car insurance?

Dr Michael Parker

I’m thankful for the scholarly work of Dr. Michael Parker on becoming age ready.

Loving Your Family

Do you love your family? Do you believe I Timothy 5: 8?

Men And Women 1

Men and women are different when it comes to saving money. And there’s another difference. When . . .

The Power Of Being Consistent

Anyone can save and accumulate, but consistency matters. Why?

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