Start Right

You see that paycheck hit your bank account; you acquire money. What is your first and smartest move?

I Can’t

Wise women study Proverbs. Every chapter has wisdom about money.

Wealth And Refuge

How do you know when you have enough?


We all have stuff we could do without. We dust, walk around, move it to a new closet or different stack. Three points of advice: Love it, Leave it, or Fix it.

The Value Of College

What is the value of going to college?

Other People’s Money 2

Money often causes family turmoil. What child gets the most? How old should one be when he stands on his own? What grandchild is most needy?

Other People’s Money 1

Folks with less can make the same mistakes. What mistakes?

Downsizing - When And How

One of your biggest budget items is housing. 30--40 percent is a chunk. My generation wanted bigger. I regret that . . .

National Widows Day

Today is National Widows Day, a day we pause and acknowledge this special group. Why? What can our churches do?

Vote With Your Dollar

Do you have money to manage? Whether a small amount or large, you have an opportunity to vote your values with that dollar.

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