
Imagine if every Christian family was debt free. Perhaps a home mortgage, but nothing more. Imagine if every company and business headed by believers was debt free or at least negligible, manageable credit.

Tax Day Behind Us

Tax Day is behind us. Instead of forgetting and facing forward, let’s look back and learn. Your tax document reveals much about you.

Life Insurance

My perspective on money has been changed by the work I do in impoverished countries helping widows.

Tax Day Coming 2

Two things are guaranteed in this life: taxes and death. This was true in Jesus’ day. He said pay Caesar. Let’s talk about taxes.

Tax Day Coming 1

Tax Day is a few days away. Congratulations if you’ve filed already. If not, it can be simple. Let us help.

Investing Simplified

My favorite way to describe investment opportunities is by comparing possibilities to a grocery store.

Becoming Wise

When it comes to money, men and women are different! No surprise. Women . . .

Owning Responsibility

If you’re in a tough spot financially, start with how you got there. Bankruptcy, divorce, job loss, health issues, death, or addictions. Some of these might have been beyond your control.

The Light Of God’s Word

Our favorite book on money after the Bible is The Word on Finances by Larry Burkett. Why is this book timeless?

Investing Talents

The parable of the talents in Matthew 25 shows God gives to us with the intent that we . . .

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