Fraud Flags 2 Emotionality

It’s common for someone who just earned a huge salary, inherited money, received a windfall to be targeted by financial fraudsters. Statistics tell us that . . .

Fraud Flags 1 Urgency

Financial fraud is common. If you’re in transition, you are a target.

Home Fixes

Most families’ greatest investment is their home. Let’s get perspective.

Home Change

If you’re starting over financially, whether from job loss, divorce, or death of your spouse, you may need to change locations or downsize; and your thinking may be clouded by that crisis.

Car Finance

Proverbs says that the borrower becomes the lender’s slave. Our recommendation, wa . . .

Car Upkeep

Does God have instructions for your car?

Car Purchase

Does Scripture talk about your car?

Co-signing A Loan

Here’s important financial advice, NEVER . . .


This is so important in the care of our families, but often put off.

Love God, Not Stuff

Valerie as an attorney and certified financial planner, you see folks who are content with their money, or struggling, and even sometimes in distress. We know money is often the greatest struggle in marriages. Your thoughts?

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