Trustee For Your Will

Every person should have a will and maybe even a trust. It’s simply a way to direct whatever you’ve left on planet earth where you want it to go. One important part is . . .

Savings Account

Did you know that women now control most of the wealth in the United States?

Learning From Our Mistakes

A mark of being a human is the ability to learn from one’s mistakes. This is true of individuals, cities, states, and nations. But do we?

Budget Category Averages 2

Would you like to have more to give to your favorite charity? An effective ministry?

Budget Category Averages 1

If you are ready to grab your household budget and make it work for you, we have tools to help. What budget percentage guidelines are realistic?

Money - World View vs God’s View

Money is a powerful distraction, even ruler of our soul. The world view today is that how much you have defines your value, your reputation, your popularity. Therefore, . . .


If you’re going through a rough patch in life, a transition that requires change, your finances can be worrisome.

Home Fix Ups That Buyers Love

TV reality home fix up shows are fun to watch, especially if you are planning to sell your house. But what if your budget is small, not television worthy?

Fraud Flags 3 Complexity

Proverbs tells us that there are unscrupulous people who have a plan for your money.

Fraud Flags 2 Emotionality

It’s common for someone who just earned a huge salary, inherited money, received a windfall to be targeted by financial fraudsters. Statistics tell us that . . .

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