Smart Women

Why is it that many times men get magazines on investing and finances and women get magazines on pinching dollars at the grocery store?

Keep It Daily

Did you know that we spend 47% of our time thinking about something other than the task at hand?

From Can’t To Can

Life gets stormy for most of us. We experience problems with our living space, our health, our relationships. And usually . . .

Counting The Costs

Starting over financially requires change. One of the most important concepts in Scripture is . . .

Taking Care Of Stuff

It’s tempting especially when life is changing to ignore taking care of our stuff. We know that everything belongs to God. It’s His on loan to us to use, not ours.

Financial Steps To Take After Loss

Losses toss us sideways in so many ways. Loss of a spouse, job, home, decisions crowd our minds and often confuse us. These 6 steps can help you organize and prioritize.

Spending Habits

Spending habits are hard to break. Change happens and old habits no longer work. We may say we don’t want debt, but what do we do about it?

Hit The Pause Button!

Are you in the middle of transitions that rock your bank account and your sense of security? Here’s important advice. Don’t . . .

Job Loss

Job loss is common, unwelcome, and requires that we change our spending patterns. But there are a few solid . . .

Biblical Wisdom

Sound financial decisions require common sense and wisdom. Where do we get that?

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