Vetting Professionals

Getting wise advice is a theme in the book of Proverbs. Important in all of life, it’s vital for managing our money.

Finding Support

When starting over financially, you likely need to get expert advice, but how do you vet an expert? Especially if you do not know the field of finances?

No Rush

When we face a financial mess or crisis, a natural reaction is to want to fix the problem immediately. We may even be tempted to take out a loan or credit card to absorb old debt, or a home equity line or refinance a mortgage to absorb that debt. BUT . . .

Finding Resources

When your money situation changes, shrinks, or grows, you may quickly find that you need support and resources. After all, we don’t know what we don’t know. Take time to research and find people and resources you will rely on. How have others ranked these resources?


When our financial reality is shaking and we realize things must change, it’s good to step back and get a bit of perspective.

Basic Skills

Life’s changes may seem daunting and shake your financial stability. Consider this. You need only . . .

Willing To Learn

When life gets bumpy, money often becomes a dreaded word. Whether starting out newly independent, or starting over after life changes, talking finances, even facing reality can be scary.

God’s Money Plan

I’ve learned in my changed life as a widowed woman that God can change what seems impossible into possible. I had to learn to manage my resources and live in a different way.

God’s Partnership

It’s easy when finances are tough to feel alone and incompetent. Remember, everything on this earth, including money and stuff belong to God. Doesn’t it make sense then that He wants to partner with you, walk beside you?

Face The Facts

To put it bluntly, we must face the facts. Painful at first, but then it’s a relief. What is your real income today? Are there increased demands on what you have?

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