Budget Bad Word

Are the words ‘money,’ and ‘budget,’ on your bad words list? Let’s change that.

Write It Down

Starting Over Financially can be challenging, energizing, and painful.

Troubled Times

Today let’s talk about starting over in troubled times.

Focus On Today

Life gets bumpy. Mine did when I became a widow. We have to learn. Valerie as an attorney and certified financial planner, where do we start?

Health Care Costs - Annual Account Allowance

Health care costs are rising. My insurance costs this last year doubled. But there is one bright spot.

Health Care Costs - Family

One rapidly changing budget item is health care costs. Both health insurance costs and out of pocket costs are rising.

Financial Pitfalls - Generation X

Financial pitfalls impact all age groups.

Financial Pitfalls - Millennials

Seasons of life bring changing financial realities.

Financial Pitfalls - Baby Boomers

Valerie and I are in different stages of life. I call myself ‘vintage’ a baby boomer.

Time And Money

Some believe that money is made by good timing.

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