Fluctuating Debt Costs

It’s tempting when rates on borrowing are low to take on unwise debt. That lower mortgage rate, an arm that changes later, might tempt buying more housing than is wise. That arm will float up, and up, and up.


The Bible talks about money more than any other topic except love. Important for sure. Budgeting, accountability, generosity. An important impact on our finances is the character trait of greed.

Old Money

Recently the patriarch of an ‘old money’ wealthy family died. News of his wealth and its sources revealed wisdom.

Best Preparation

As we see people in desperate financial situations, we look to find solutions.

Emotions And Financial Shipwreck

Impulse spending creates waste and debt. Impulse investing denies us the wisdom of research.

Financing And Debt

Two decades ago, accumulating debt for home mortgages, an automobile, educational costs, and a business was wise. Things change.

Myths About Wealth

Myths about wealth impact our behavior. Believing the wrong thing can result in doing the wrong thing.

Life Insurance #2

One option for many in providing for their family is life insurance.

Life Insurance #1

One wise financial purchase is life insurance. Easy to decide, challenging to choose.

Government Solutions

Jesus had a different mission. What did and does Jesus have in mind?

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