Barrier To Investing - Poor Self-management

Money under the mattress is not growing! What prevents us from wise investing?

Barrier To Investing - Unwarranted Fear

We love to talk about investing. It’s biblical.

Finances In Marriage #3

Shared values in marriage are great glue and unity when finances are strained

Finances In Marriage #2

Unity in marriage with finances starts with . . .

Finances In Marriage #1

Finances are one of the greatest sources of disagreement in marriage. It is high on the list of reasons for divorce. Let’s talk about unity in finances.

Looking At The New Year

We know that money given to non-profit’s and charities is better utilized, more efficient, than money to the government for those services provided.

Monitor Your Budget

We recommend regularly examining your budget. As you record each expense, examine. What areas are going up and what down?

Changing Home Prices

We’re observing gyrations in the housing market that many did not expect.

Financial Limit’s And Giving

We were recently contacted by a woman who has financial limits. We suggest these responses:

Life Is A Gift

A good reminder any time, new year, or saying goodbye to the last year is this. Life is a gift. “what do [we] have that [we] did not receive?”

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