Lessons From Ecclesiastes

I’m reminded of C.S. Lewis’ words “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”

Two Prayers Always Answered

What do we pray for every day? Here’s two requests God always answers.


Years end has us contemplating, evaluating, and planning. Ecclesiastes has interesting words.

Enjoy God’s Generosity

Seldom do we go to Ecclesiastes for financial wisdom. We should!

Last Minute Gifts That Matter

We’re encouraging you this season to spend more time, rather than more money on gift giving.

Gifts That Matter

Have you listed the gifts you need to buy? Write across your long Christmas list: It’s not about the stuff. What communicates your personal care?

Listing Upcoming Expenses

What would happen if you took 15 minutes each day to make a list of what you need to accomplish?

Donating This Season

The wise men gave precious gifts to baby Jesus.

Charitable Giving #2

While our minds and lists are focusing on Christmas, it’s appropriate to think of charitable giving at year end.

Charitable Giving #1

Rather than simply looking through the glitter mail asks, think, what do I want to promote.

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