My360 Helper

Healthcare Disruption 1

Healthcare costs are swinging wildly and usually upward. Predictable insurance costs were depended on previously. Today, fewer are covered by employers, less is covered. I’m vintage, on Medicare, and my costs have doubled in one year.

Car Loans

Ideally, pay cash for cars. They are a depreciating asset. Sometimes a necessity, never an investment, yet many finance cars, even used ones.

Financial Reserves

Life is messy. Work is unpredictable. Financial wisdom for everyone, yes all, is to have an emergency fund. Money that is untouchable for your regular budget.

SEP Investments

Women have always been self-employed. My farm neighbor Wilma sold eggs and supplied our family and many others. Today’s self-employed woman has a myriad of options.

Financial Confidence

Being accountable with money and portfolios is a necessity for women as well as men. Eventually we stand before God alone. No finger pointing please as to why we could not or did not.

Wise Women

Unapologetically, we advise women to become wise on financial matters, budgets, and investments. Fact: women today control $20 trillion, or 27% of the world’s wealth. That percent is higher in the United States.


Christ followers have financial standards set in the Bible.

Purchasing A Home

Spring time means increased house hunting. Buying that home is often the biggest purchase a person makes in their lifetime. Let’s look at some benefits.

Investing In ETFs

We love to talk about investing. The parable of the talents teaches us to . . .

Roth IRA Giving 2

Currently we have legal tools available to help Christ followers direct their money.

Spiritual Financial Legacy

One legacy Christ followers want to leave is the spiritual legacy of a life lived honoring God. We often overlook the financial component of this.

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