Purity in Community - 2

Have you ever wondered … why does God take purity so seriously? Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe discusses the answer and emphasizes the importance of continuous self-examination. Continuing our Supernatural series, we’ll discover why purity is crucial for effective Christian community … as well as how to maintain a clean heart and pure motives in yo…read more

Purity in Community - Part 1

Are you playing games with God? It may sound like a loaded question, but the answer couln't be more important. In this edition of Bold Steps, Mark Jobe tackles the critical issue of purity in the Body of Christ. We'll explore the dangers of religious facades and the need for authentic relationships with God. Learn why purity matters and the consequences of neglecting it in our spiritual lives.

People in Community - Part 2

What does true Christian community look like? On BOLD STEPS, MarkJobe challenges us to pursue God’s purposes together. We’ll continue our Supernatural series in the book of Acts by examining the essence of being part of Christ’s Body. Learn how to move beyond buzzwords to authentic, God-centered fellowship.

People in Community - Part 1

When we get sick or injured, and even just a few parts of our body stop working … it can be hard to function. In the same way, the Body of Christ can really struggle when its members fail to work together. On BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe showsus how to live as People in Community. Discover your unique role and how to fulfill it.

Purpose in Community - Part 2

We all know that socializing and fellowship are important parts of a healthy life … but for Christians, community is much more than a good habit. On BOLD STEPS,Mark Jobe continues our Supernatural series, focusing on our Purpose in Community.We’ll dive deeper into Acts, examining why we’re called to fellowship and what it means for our Christian identity. Uncover your role in God’s grand plan.

Purpose in Community - Part 1

Lots of folks get together on Sunday mornings, but what makes worshiping with other believers so special? Listen to Dr. Mark Jobe explain why in this episode of "Bold Steps".

Getting Back on Track with God - Part 2

"If you don't . . . your children will." How do you start new patterns in your life and break old habits? Learn how in today's edition of "Bold Steps" with Dr. Mark Jobe.

Getting Back on Track with God - Part 1

Have you realized you relapsed in your Christian walk? How do you get back on track with God? Learn how in this edition of "Bold Steps" with Dr. Mark Jobe.

Making God a Priority - Part 2

Taking time for God is no big deal, or is it? Dr. Mark Jobe points out what an urgent need it is in today's edition of "Bold Steps".

Making God a Priority - Part 1

Living in neutral, your spiritual life WILL decline. Today on Bold Steps ... making God a priority. Today Pastor Mark Jobe continues our study of Nehemiah and our Rebuild series and we’ve reached chapter 10 as we will learn more about how to make God a priority, specifically in 3 key areas ... According to Nehemiah, the physical need of the people had been restored, but the spiritual need still needed a lot of work. So, he encouraged them to focus on some areas to pay attention to. Listen carefully and we’ll ID those 3 areas.

How to Prepare for a Season of Change – Part 2

In a season of spiritual change, God asks that we remove the old and sinful. But something needs to take its place. Today is part 2 of the Bold Steps message, How to Prepare for a Season of Change. Pastor Mark Jobe will be looking at both the motivation for change as well as the need to have a plan for change. Join us in this helpful study based in Nehemiah chapter 9.

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