Search by book of the Bible, chapter and verse:


King of the Mountain

From Wisdom for the Heart … his reflections in Ecclesiastes, we see that power, wisdom, and wealth--the things the worl…

Let the Good Times Roll

From Wisdom for the Heart …id reflections from Ecclesiastes 2. Solomon reveals how, despite being the wealthiest king o…

Living the Dash

From Wisdom for the Heart …oem by Solomon from Ecclesiastes chapter 3, a passage that addresses the mystery and meaning…

Making it Safely Home

From Wisdom for the Heart …special lesson from Ecclesiastes, and a bit of Revelation too!…

Ministers of Loneliness

From Wisdom for the Heart …ournal, the book of Ecclesiastes, he provides some helpful tips so we can combat loneliness …

Rising Above the Tide

From Wisdom for the Heart …est observations in Ecclesiastes. Solomon, the wealthiest and wisest king of his time, refle…

The Debater

From The Word for Today …erstand the book of Ecclesiastes correctly. Who wrote it? Why was it written? Pastor Chuc…

The Debater

From The Word for Today …r", but the book of Ecclesiastes is about a search for the meaning of life. Join Chuck Smit…

The Meaning of Life

From Wisdom for the Heart …ese final verses of Ecclesiastes, Solomon reflects on his journey to find truth, describes w…

Tied to the Treadmill of Life

From Wisdom for the Heart …ations in his book, Ecclesiastes.…
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Champions Arise

Encouraging Words

Every Man a Warrior Minute

Expectant Faith

Faith Reliance


Grace to You

Guidelines for Living

John Phillips Ministries International

Landmark Church

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Berni Dymet


Lonnie Berger


Stephen Davey


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1 Samuel

By Salt and Light

Adopted By God

By Grace to You

Adult Children of Divorce

By Champions Arise

Christian Living

By Light to Guide Our Feet


By The Word for Today


By Thru The Bible


By Wake Chapel Christian Church


By The Word for Today

Expectant Faith

By Expectant Faith

Finding Meaning Under the Sun

By Wisdom for the Heart
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