One of the illustrations that Jesus uses in describing the task of evangelism is fishing. Just think about the way Jesus called Peter and Andrew to… read more
TWR Motion creates animated videos to share the Good News of Jesus with viewers who are from different religious backgrounds. Their first major… read more
In my previous role as morning host at Moody Radio Chattanooga, I had the privilege of taking short-term missions trips to the Dominican Republic,… read more
As we watch network coverage of the war in Ukraine, we often see stories filed from field reporters who are on the ground in that battle-scarred… read more
Both of my two boys were involved in Scouting. In fact, my oldest son achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. I vividly remember a yearly tradition with… read more
My wife and I enjoy watching the British science fiction series Doctor Who. If you've ever watched an episode, you know that the time-traveling… read more
Just this morning, as I was reading God's Word, I saw something in the passage that I had never noticed before. Does this ever happen to you? … read more
In times of suffering, like these days in Venezuela, people begin searching for hope. But, where do they find this hope? On today's Footsteps,… read more
Throughout the next week, you likely will have numerous conversations with people. You might wind up talking with a co-worker, a fellow student, a… read more
Right before His ascension into Heaven, "Jesus gave us just one homework--He said to the disciples, 'You must go tell to all the nations the… read more
Mission 66 is a radio program that first aired over Radio Trans Mundial Brasil (TWR's national partner in Brazil), and it features the bible… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps
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