Creation Day 4, Part 2

So, what do you think — did God use evolution to create the universe? John MacArthur addresses that and other vital questions as he continues his study . . . The Battle for the Beginning. Hear more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Creation Day 4, Part 1

John MacArthur continues his study . . . The Battle for the Beginning. He’ll show you how you can know and defend the Biblical truth . . . and answer those who reject God as creator in a way that points them toward the gospel. Hear more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Creation Day 3, Part 2

Perhaps you’ve been mocked and ridiculed for your firmly-held belief in what Scripture says about creation . . . or told — even by other Christians — that science does not support what the Bible says about the origins of the universe. So, how do you answer those critics? Find out, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Creation Day 3, Part 1

Today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John will show you Scripture’s claims about creation . . . how you can defend it from the onslaught of claims by scientists . . . and whether there is any room for Christians to embrace evolutionary theory.

Creation Day 2, Part 2

Today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John continues his study . . . The Battle for the Beginning . . . by looking at the eyewitness testimony to creation . . . the testimony of God Himself . . . and shows you why His Word on the subject carries not just some weight, but all the weight.

Creation Day 2, Part 1

Today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John continues his study titled The Battle for the Beginning . . . giving you a Scriptural basis to answer key questions, like . . . what is sound science? Are teachers neglecting science if they teach creation? Should the Bible be considered scientifically accurate?

The How, Why, and When of Creation, Part 4

Without question, science has answered a lot of questions about how this world works. But has science — particularly evolutionary theory — really figured out how the world got here in the first place? Hear more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

The How, Why, and When of Creation, Part 3

Understanding and believing the doctrine of creation in the book of Genesis is foundational in accepting — listen carefully — that the holy Bible is to be taken seriously when it speaks to the real world. Hear more, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

The How, Why, and When of Creation, Part 2

Between better nutrition and better surgery, it’s probably never been tougher to accurately guess a person’s age. And frankly, many of the scientists who try to pinpoint the age of the universe do no better. John MacArthur explains why, today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur,

The How, Why, and When of Creation, Part 1

As John MacArthur continues his study titled, The Battle for the Beginning, he’ll point you to the book of Genesis showing you the Creator who brought the universe into existence in six days . . . not over billions of years. Listen to today's episode of GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

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