In biblical Hebrew, hope is about waiting with expectation.

The Hebrew word "qavah" comes from the word that means to pull a rope tight. When we qavah, we’re waiting with tense expectation. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

What does God tell Cain?

Cain kills his brother out of jealousy, and then he builds the first city in the Bible to protect himself from increasing violence. God warns Cain that sin is a monster that wants to consume him, but he can rule it. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

Exodus 19-40 Q+R • Torah Q+R Ep. 4

Tim and Jon respond to questions from BibleProject Podcast's listeners.

Learn the Most Important Skill in Biblical Interpretation

This session is from the BibleProject Classroom Jonah class taught by Dr. Tim Mackie. The entire class is available for free on the BibleProject app at How can a repeated word help us understand what the biblical authors are saying? Repeated words often: create a theme throughout a chapter link words that are close to each other link words that are distant from each other In this session, we practice finding repeated keywords in different chapters of Jonah and discuss what they mean for the literary design of the book.

When Humans Become Snakes

Genesis 3 is probably the most famous serpent-featuring story in the Bible—the moment we get to see humans and the nahash interact for the first time. Because the serpent lures the humans into choosing their own demise, it’s also the moment Yahweh announces that the seed (descendant) of the serpent will remain a rival to the seed of the woman. In this episode, Tim and Jon discuss Genesis 3-4 and talk about what happens when humans themselves start to act like the chaos monster.

What is biblical hope?

Christian hope is a choice to wait for God to bring about the future he has promised. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

Why did Jesus call his followers a "city on a hill"?

Jerusalem was an image of God's garden city for a time. But when Jesus announces the arrival of God's Kingdom, he doesn't even go to Jerusalem. Instead, he calls his followers "a city on a hill." He taught them to live with the mindset of God's city and seek peace through generosity. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

Exodus 1-18 Q+R • Torah Q+R Ep. 3

Tim and Jon respond to questions from BibleProject Podcast's listeners.

How do we transform the mindset of Cain's city?

The mindset of Cain's city is self-preservation and peace enforced by the threat of death. And the only way we overcome the fear of death is by trusting in the one who is stronger than death. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

Where Sea Monsters Show Up in Creation • Chaos Dragon Ep. 3

Dragons show up on page one of the Bible, named among the beings that feature in the seven-day creation narrative in Genesis 1. God creates dragons to inhabit the chaos waters, and we meet one early on that tries (and succeeds) to get the first humans to choose their own destruction. Why would God create these creatures? What is their purpose? Join Tim and Jon as they talk about the literary function of dragons in the Bible.

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